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The Study on the Pesticide Exposure Scenario and the Risk Assessment for the Rice Field Birds
논 이용 조류에 대한 농약 노출 시나리오 설정 및 위해성평가 연구 원문보기

농약과학회지 = The Korean journal of pesticide science, v.24 no.4, 2020년, pp.381 - 388  

Lee, Seul ,  Oh, Jina ,  Lee, Myung-Ji ,  Chon, Kyongmi ,  Shin, Ji-Young ,  Park, Yeon-Ki

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (19)

  1. Choi, Yu-Seong, Kwon, In-Ki, Yoo, Jeong-Chil. Foraging Habitat Preferences of Herons and Egrets. Journal of ecology and field biology, vol.30, no.3, 237-244.

  2. Choi YS, Kim SS, Yoo JC, 2014. Feeding efficiency of Great Egrets (Ardea alba modesta) in two different habitats, rice fields and a reservoir, during the breeding season. The Korean Journal of Ornithology, 21(1):41-48. 

  3. Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance carbosulfan. EFSA journal : European Food Safety Authority, vol.4, no.9,

  4. Risk Assessment for Birds and Mammals : GD risk assessment for birds & mammals. EFSA journal : European Food Safety Authority, vol.7, no.12, 1438-.

  5. Elphick, Chris S., Oring, Lewis W.. Winter management of Californian rice fields for waterbirds. The Journal of applied ecology, vol.35, no.1, 95-108.

  6. Fujioka, Masahiro, Don Lee, Sang, Kurechi, Masayuki. Bird use of Rice Fields in Korea and Japan. Waterbirds, vol.33, no.1, 8-.

  7. 김미란, 남형규, 김명현, 조광진, 강기경, 나영은. 우리나라 논 이용 조류 현황. 한국환경농학회지 = Korean journal of environmental agriculture, vol.32, no.2, 155-165.

  8. Lee YK, Kim DW, Jang BS, Yoo SH, Kim CH, et al., 2012. The use of feeding habitats of five species of herons during the breeding season in South Korea. The Korean Journal of Ornithology, 19(2):141-149. 

  9. Longoni, Violetta. Rice Fields and Waterbirds in the Mediterranean Region and the Middle East. Waterbirds, vol.33, no.1, 83-96.

  10. 임성진, 오영탁, 노진호, 양지연, 최근형, 류송희, 문병철, 박병준. 들깨 생산단지 시설재배지 중 잔류성유기염소계 농약류 잔류량 조사. 농약과학회지 = The Korean journal of pesticide science, vol.20, no.3, 221-227.

  11. Mineau, Pierre. Estimating the probability of bird mortality from pesticide sprays on the basis of the field study record. Environmental toxicology and chemistry, vol.21, no.7, 1497-1506.

  12. MAFRA, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2017. Agriculture, food and rural affairs statistics yearbook. MAFRA, 2017, p.61. 

  13. 남형규, 최승혜, 최유성, 유정칠. 논습지에 도래하는 수조류의 서식지 이용과 개체군 특성. 한국환경농학회지 = Korean journal of environmental agriculture, vol.31, no.4, 359-367.

  14. Park CY, Kim WY, Lee DP, 2009. Comparison of the characteristics of bird community according to habitat types in rural area of Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do. The Korean Journal of Ornithology, 16(2):81-92. 

  15. Effects of Pesticide use in Rice Fields on Birds. Waterbirds, vol.33, no.1, 193-.

  16. RDA, Agro-Material Industry Division, 2020. Criteria for registration of pesticides and active substances, Legislation and NotificationDirective for pesticide regulation. RDA, p. 125. 

  17. 손진관, 이시영, 강동현, 박민정, 윤성욱, 김남춘, 공민재, 최덕규. 시설원예단지와 논습지의 조류서식 및 다양성 비교분석 연구. 농촌계획 : 韓國農村計劃學會誌, vol.24, no.4, 57-67.

  18. Implications of Rice Agriculture for Wild Birds in China. Waterbirds, vol.33, no.1, 30-.

  19. Ter Horst MMS, Wipfler EL, Adriaanse PI, Boesten JJTI, Fait G, et al., 2014. Chinese scenarios for groundwater leaching and aquatice exposure: development of scenarios for environmental risk assessment procedures of pesticides in China (No. 2559). Alterra, Wageningen-UR., p. 77. 

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