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[국내논문] Cultivation and Quality Characterization of ‘Dagam’, a Licorice Interspecific Hybrid Cultivar
감초 종간교잡 육성품종 ‘다감’의 재배 및 품질특성 원문보기

韓國藥用作物學會誌 = Korean journal of medicinal crop science, v.29 no.2, 2021년, pp.110 - 116  

Lee, Jeong Hoon ,  Oh, Myeong Won ,  Seo, Kyung Hye ,  Park, Chun Geun ,  Jeong, Jin Tae ,  Han, Jong Won ,  Ma, Kyung Ho ,  Chang, Jae Ki

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (20)

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  2. Çetin, Özlem, Duran, Ahmet, Martin, Esra, Küçüködük, Mustafa. Karyological studies in someGlycyrrhiza(Fabaceae) taxa from Turkey. Caryologia : giornale di citologia, citosistematica, e citogenetica, vol.68, no.3, 254-264.

  3. Chen, Xiangrong, Liu, Zuojia, Meng, Rizeng, Shi, Ce, Guo, Na. Antioxidative and anticancer properties of Licochalcone A from licorice. Journal of ethnopharmacology, vol.198, 331-337.

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  5. Frattaruolo, Luca, Carullo, Gabriele, Brindisi, Matteo, Mazzotta, Sarah, Bellissimo, Luca, Rago, Vittoria, Curcio, Rosita, Dolce, Vincenza, Aiello, Francesca, Cappello, Anna Rita. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Flavanones from Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice) Leaf Phytocomplexes: Identification of Licoflavanone as a Modulator of NF-kB/MAPK Pathway. Antioxidants, vol.8, no.6, 186-.

  6. Hantemirova, E. V., Belyaev, A. Yu., Korchagina, O. S., Laletina, I. A.. Genetic Differentiation and Phylogenetic Relationships of Glycyrrhiza glabra L., G. uralensis Fisch., and G. korshinskyi Grig. Inferred from Chloroplast DNA Variation. Russian journal of genetics, vol.56, no.7, 810-821.

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  10. Kondo, Kenji, Shiba, Mao, Nakamura, Rie, Morota, Takashi, Shoyama, Yukihiro. Constituent Properties of Licorices Derived from Glycyrrhiza uralensis, G. glabra, or G. inflata Identified by Genetic Information. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, vol.30, no.7, 1271-1277.

  11. 이승은, 이정훈, 박춘근, 김형돈, 이윤지, 서경혜, 정현수, 장재기, 김동휘. 감초 육성품종 뿌리 추출물의 In vitro 활성 평가. 韓國藥用作物學會誌 = Korean journal of medicinal crop science, vol.27, no.2, 115-125.

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  16. Singh, Kailash, Zaw, Aung Moe, Sekar, Revathi, Palak, Ahuja, Allam, Ahmed A., Ajarem, Jamaan, Chow, Billy K. C.. Glycyrrhizic Acid Reduces Heart Rate and Blood Pressure by a Dual Mechanism. Molecules a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry, vol.21, no.10, 1291-.

  17. Wang, Shuai, Dunlap, Tareisha L., Huang, Lingyi, Liu, Yang, Simmler, Charlotte, Lantvit, Daniel D., Crosby, Jenna, Howell, Caitlin E., Dong, Huali, Chen, Shao-Nong, Pauli, Guido F., van Breemen, Richard B., Dietz, Birgit M., Bolton, Judy L.. Evidence for Chemopreventive and Resilience Activity of Licorice: Glycyrrhiza Glabra and G. Inflata Extracts Modulate Estrogen Metabolism in ACI Rats. Cancer prevention research, vol.11, no.12, 819-830.

  18. Woo KS, Jang KI, Kim KY, Lee HB and Jeong HS. (2006). Antioxidative activity of heat treated licorice(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch) extracts. Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology. 38:355-360. 

  19. Wu, Y., Yi, L., Li, E., Li, Y., Lu, Y., Wang, P., Zhou, H., Liu, J., Hu, Y., Wang, D.. Optimization of Glycyrrhiza polysaccharide liposome by response surface methodology and its immune activities. International journal of biological macromolecules, vol.102, 68-75.

  20. Yang, Song-Yi, Choi, Yu-Ri, Lee, Myung-Jin, Kang, Min-Kyung. Antimicrobial Effects against Oral Pathogens and Cytotoxicity of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Extract. Plants, vol.9, no.7, 838-.

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