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[국내논문] Quality and antioxidant properties of morning bread added with sourdough according to the mixing ratios of sea buckthorn leaf
비타민나무 잎 배합비율에 따른 사워도우 첨가 모닝빵의 품질 특성 및 항산화 활성 원문보기

한국식품저장유통학회지 = Korean journal of food preservation, v.28 no.5, 2021년, pp.621 - 631  

Park, Min Gyu ,  Ji, Hui Yeong ,  Joo, Shin Youn

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, a natural fermentation starter formulation was developed for functional bread products by substituting baker’s yeast with naturally fermented sourdough added with sea buckthorn leaf (SBL). The quality and antioxidant properties of morning bread (MB) with 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% S...

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