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[해외논문] Development of road stripe removing equipment using high-pressure water jet

Automation in construction, v.15 no.5, 2006년, pp.578 - 588  

Ham, Young-Bog (Department of Advanced Industrial Technology, Korea Institute of Machinery &) ,  Kwon, Soon-Wook (Materials, Daejeon, 305-343, Republic of Korea) ,  Noh, Jong-Ho (Department of Architectural Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Gyeonggi-Do, 440-746, Republic of Korea) ,  Han, Jae-Goo (Department of Advanced Industrial Technology, Korea Institute of Machinery &) ,  Kim, Kyoon-Tai (Materials, Daejeon, 305-343, Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractRemoval of road stripes is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Currently, the work is manual and is accomplished using grinding equipment. During this process, traffic jams and accidents lead to dangerous road conditions for workers. Furthermore, the current grinding methods used c...


참고문헌 (20)

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  2. Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Kown 20 2003 Development of a control system for an automatic road sign removing equipment using high pressure waterjet 

  3. Manufacturing Engineering Behringer 99 37 1987 Waterjet cutting-a technology afloat on a sea of potential 

  4. Haylock 1985 Waterjet cutting 

  5. Machine and Tool Blue Book Slattery 31 1991 Abrasive waterjet carves out metalworking niche 

  6. Metal Progress Hitchox 130 33 1986 Vote of confidence for abrasive waterjet cutting 

  7. J. Steinhauser, “Abrasive waterjets: on the cutting edge of technology”, Flow Systems, Inc. 

  8. “Jetpac intensifier pump-Model 40DT”, Flow Specs, FS-130, Sept. 1989. 

  9. Tappi Journal Ayers 70 91 1993 Principles of waterjet cutting 

  10. Zaring 1989 Advanced abrasive waterjet hardware and cutting performance 

  11. Han 1996 High pressure percussive water jet and its application on rock cutting 

  12. Sugino Machine Limited, “Water tools and accessories”, Cat. No. U2312NE, p. 21, p. 10, pp. 24-25, 2003. 

  13. http://www.jetedge.com. 

  14. Traffic Law, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, 2003. 

  15. vol. 1 359 1989 New Hydraulic Handbook 

  16. Merritt 334 1967 Hydraulic Control systems 

  17. Heinz 111 1998 Fluid Sealing Technology-Principles and Applications 

  18. Standard Specifications of Road, Ministry of Construction and Transportation, 1996. 

  19. Inha University 2004 Research Report 2004, Korea Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Gyeonggi, Korea Development and implementation of an automated pavement crack sealer 

  20. Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials 2004 Research Report 2004, Korea Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Gyeonggi, Korea Development of automatic road sign erasing equipment using the high pressure waterjet 

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