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[해외논문] Somatic Mutation of p53 Leads to Estrogen Receptor α-Positive and -Negative Mouse Mammary Tumors with High Frequency of Metastasis 원문보기

Cancer research : the official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc, v.64 no.10, 2004년, pp.3525 - 3532  

Lin, Suh-Chin J. ,  Lee, Kuo-Fen ,  Nikitin, Alexander Yu. ,  Hilsenbeck, Susan G. ,  Cardiff, Robert D. ,  Li, Aihua ,  Kang, Keon-Wook ,  Frank, Steven A. ,  Lee, Wen-Hwa ,  Lee, Eva Y-H. P.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractApproximately 70% of human breast cancers are estrogen receptor α (ERα)-positive, but the origins of ERα-positive and -negative tumors remain unclear. Hormonal regulation of mammary gland development in mice is similar to that in humans; however, most mouse models produce o...

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