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[해외논문] Lateral Trapped-Charge Profiling Based on the Extraction of the Flatband Voltage by Using the Optical Substrate Current in Nitride-Based Charge-Trap Flash Memories

IEEE transactions on electron devices, v.56 no.9, 2009년, pp.2034 - 2044  

Kang-Seob Roh (Sch. of Electr. Eng., Kookmin Univ., Seoul, South Korea) ,  Sungwook Park (Sch. of Electr. Eng., Kookmin Univ., Seoul, South Korea) ,  Dae Hwan Kim (Sch. of Electr. Eng., Kookmin Univ., Seoul, South Korea) ,  Dong Myong Kim (Sch. of Electr. Eng., Kookmin Univ., Seoul, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A lateral charge-profiling technique based on local-flatband-voltage (VFB)monitoring using optical-substrate-current spectroscopy (ISub, photo spectroscopy) in nitride-based charge-trap flash (CTF) memories is proposed. Under optical illumination by photons with above-bandgap energy Eph(>Eg,Si), ISu...

참고문헌 (16)

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  10. Gu, Shaw-Hung, Wang, Tahui, Lu, Wen-Pin, Ting, Wenchi, Ku, Y.-H.J., Lu, Chih-Yuan. Characterization of programmed charge lateral distribution in a two-bit storage nitride flash memory cell by using a charge-pumping technique. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.53, no.1, 103-108.

  11. Seo, S.H., Kim, S.W., Lee, J.U., Kang, G.C., Roh, K.S., Kim, K.Y., Lee, S.Y., Choi, C.M., Song, K.J., Park, S.R., Park, J.H., Jeon, K.C., Kim, D.M., Kim, D.H., Shin, H., Lee, J.D., Park, B.G.. Channel width dependence of hot electron injection program/hot hole erase cycling behavior in silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (SONOS) memories. Solid-state electronics, vol.52, no.6, 844-848.

  12. Kumar, P.B., Nair, P.R., Sharma, R., Kamohara, S., Mahapatra, S.. Lateral profiling of trapped charge in SONOS flash EEPROMs programmed using CHE injection. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.53, no.4, 698-705.

  13. Arreghini, A., Driussi, F., Esseni, D., Selmi, L., van Duuren, M.J., van Schaijk, R.. New Charge Pumping model for the analysis of the spatial trap distribution in the nitride layer of SONOS devices. Microelectronic engineering, vol.80, 333-336.

  14. Tsai, Wen-Jer, Zous, Nian-Kai, Wang, Tahui, Ku, Y.-H.J., Lu, Chih-Yuan. A novel operation method to avoid over-erasure in a scaled trapping-nitride localized charge storage flash memory cell and its application for multilevel programming. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.53, no.4, 808-814.

  15. Eitan, B., Pavan, P., Bloom, I., Aloni, E., Frommer, A., Finzi, D.. NROM: A novel localized trapping, 2-bit nonvolatile memory cell. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.21, no.11, 543-545.

  16. Lusky, E., Shacham-Diamand, Y., Mitenberg, G., Shappir, A., Bloom, I., Eitan, B.. Investigation of channel hot electron injection by localized charge-trapping nonvolatile memory devices. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.51, no.3, 444-451.


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