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[해외논문] A PEMS study of the emissions of gaseous pollutants and ultrafine particles from gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles

Atmospheric environment, v.77, 2013년, pp.703 - 710  

Huang, C. ,  Lou, D. ,  Hu, Z. ,  Feng, Q. ,  Chen, Y. ,  Chen, C. ,  Tan, P. ,  Yao, D.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

On-road emission measurements of gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles were conducted by a portable emission measurement system (PEMS) in Shanghai, China. Horiba OBS 2200 and TSI EEPS 3090 were employed to detect gaseous and ultrafine particle emissions during the tests. The driving-based emission fa...


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