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Design of a new gravity balanced parallel mechanism with Schonflies motion

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C : Journal of mechanical engineering science, v.230 no.17, 2016년, pp.3111 - 3134  

Kang, Long (Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Hanyang University, Gyeonggi, South Korea) ,  Oh, Se-Min (Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Hanyang University, Gyeonggi, South Korea) ,  Kim, Wheekuk (Department of Control, Measurement, and Instrumentation Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea) ,  Yi, Byung-Ju (Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Hanyang University, Gyeonggi, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, a new gravity-balanced 3T1R parallel mechanism is addressed. Firstly, structure description, inverse and forward kinematic modeling are performed in detail. Secondly, Jacobian derivation based on screw theory and singularity analysis using Grassmann Line Geometry is performed, and the...


참고문헌 (55)

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