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산업식품공학 = Food engineering progress, v.18 no.2, 2014년, pp.124 - 129  

Lee, Jin-Won ,  Hwang, Jin-Bong ,  Nahmgung, Bae ,  Park, Jang-Woo

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Korean J Food Sci Technol Choi 40 337 2008 Monitoring of total sugar contents in processed foods and noncommercial foodservice foods. Choi MH, Kwon KI, Kim JY, Lee JS, Kim JW, Park HK, Kim MC, Kim GH. 2008. Monitoring of total sugar contents in processed foods and noncommercial foodservice foods. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 40: 337-342. 

  2. Korean J Food Sci Technol Chung 37 394 2004 A suggestion to develop a nutrition policy on food and nutrition labelling and education systems for fast food and carbonated soft drinks in Korea. Chung SJ, Kim JH, Lee JS, Lee DH, Yu CH. 2004. A suggestion to develop a nutrition policy on food and nutrition labelling and education systems for fast food and carbonated soft drinks in Korea. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 37: 394-405. 

  3. J Korean Diet Assoc Park 12 254 2006 Correlation of carbohydrate intake with obesity in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Park YM, Sohn CM, Jang HC. 2006. Correlation of carbohydrate intake with obesity in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. J. Korean Diet. Assoc. 12: 254-263. 

  4. Korean J Food Sci Park 15 16 1999 Effects, of food intakes on dental caries in primary school students. Park KS, Seo ES, Shin MK. 1999. Effects, of food intakes on dental caries in primary school students. Korean J. Food Sci. 15: 16-22. 

  5. 김희연, 박세종, 정소영, 최선희, 오선우, 이진숙, 최인선, 신민수, 송재상. 인천, 춘천 지역 학교급식 메뉴의 당 함량 및 당 섭취량 실태조사. 한국식품과학회지 = Korean journal of food science and technology, vol.43, no.1, 58-64.

  6. 00029165 Am J Clin Nutr Murphy 78 827S 2003 10.1093/ajcn/78.4.827S The scientific basis of recent US guidance on sugars intake. Murphy SP, Johnson RK. 2003. The scientific basis of recent US guidance on sugars intake. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 78: 827S-833S. 

  7. J Fd Hyg Safety Yang 24 385 2009 A survey on total sugar, sodium and artificial sweetener contents of light meals from the school zone in Gwangju. Yang YS, Kim JP, Gang GG, Seo KW, Cho BS, Hong SJ, Choi GS, Kim ES, Park, JT. 2009. A survey on total sugar, sodium and artificial sweetener contents of light meals from the school zone in Gwangju. J. Fd. Hyg. Safety. 24: 385-390. 

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  9. Korean J Commu Nutr Lee 9 204 2004 A study on dietary behavior of children according to the their preferences for fast food. Lee SS. 2004. A study on dietary behavior of children according to the their preferences for fast food. Korean J. Commu. Nutr. 9: 204-213. 

  10. Korean J Commu Nutr Lee 10 582 2005 Effects of school-based nutrition for Korean food guide on food intakes frequency of adolescents. Lee JW. 2005. Effects of school-based nutrition for Korean food guide on food intakes frequency of adolescents. Korean J. Commu. Nutr. 10: 582-591. 

  11. Korean J Dietary Culture Lee 17 70 2002 Optimization for pretreatment condition according to salt concentration and soaking time in the preparation of Perilla jangachi. Lee JM, Lee HR, Nam SM. 2002. Optimization for pretreatment condition according to salt concentration and soaking time in the preparation of Perilla jangachi. Korean J. Dietary Culture. 17: 70-77. 

  12. J Korean Soc Agric Chem Biotechnol Cha 46 317 2003 Changes of physicochemical characteristics during the preparation pickles. Cha WS, Baek SK, Na KM, Park JH, Oh SL, Lee WY, Chun SS, Choi UK, Cho YJ. 2003. Changes of physicochemical characteristics during the preparation pickles. J. Korean Soc. Agric. Chem. Biotechnol. 46: 317-322. 

  13. 우나리야, 정혜경, 강명화. 전처리 온도를 달리하여 제조한 고추장아찌의 품질 특성. 한국식품영양과학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, vol.34, no.8, 1219-1225.

  14. Korean J Food Preserv Kang 15 796 2008 Quality characteristics of onion jangaji during aging. Kang NS, Kim JH, Kim JK. 2008. Quality characteristics of onion jangaji during aging. Korean J. Food Preserv. 15: 796-808. 

  15. Oh, Chul-Hwan, Oh, Nam-Soon, Won, Sun Im, In, Man-Jin, Kim, Dong Chung. Changes in Quality Characteristics of Maengjong Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) Shoot Pickles. 산업식품공학 = Food engineering progress, vol.17, no.2, 131-136.


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