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[해외논문] Tensile Stress Effect on Performance of a-IGZO TFTs With Source/Drain Offsets

IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, v.39 no.2, 2018년, pp.204 - 207  

Hasan, Mehedi (Department of Information Display, Advanced Display Research Center, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 1South Korea) ,  Billah, Mohammad Masum (Department of Information Display, Advanced Display Research Center, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 1South Korea) ,  Jang, Jin (Department of Information Display, Advanced Display Research Center, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 1South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We report the effect of repeated tensile bending stress on the electrical performance of amorphous-indium–gallium–zinc-oxide (a-IGZO) thin-film transis- tors (TFTs) with source/drain offset. The tensile strain induces the negative transfer shift for the conventional TFTs, but the ON-cu...

참고문헌 (25)

  1. Xiuling Li, Billah, Mohammad Masum, Mativenga, Mallory, Di Geng, Yong-Hwan Kim, Tae-Woong Kim, Young-Gug Seol, Jin Jang. Highly Robust Flexible Oxide Thin-Film Transistors by Bulk Accumulation. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.36, no.8, 811-813.

  2. Tripathi, Ashutosh Kumar, Myny, Kris, Bo Hou, Wezenberg, Kimberley, Gelinck, Gerwin H.. Electrical Characterization of Flexible InGaZnO Transistors and 8-b Transponder Chip Down to a Bending Radius of 2 mm. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.62, no.12, 4063-4068.

  3. Liao, Po-Yung, Chang, Ting-Chang, Su, Wan-Ching, Chen, Yu-Jia, Chen, Bo-Wei, Hsieh, Tien-Yu, Yang, Chung-Yi, Huang, Yen-Yu, Chang, Hsi-Ming, Chiang, Shin-Chuan. Effect of mechanical-strain-induced defect generation on the performance of flexible amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin-film transistors. Applied physics express, vol.9, no.12, 124101-.

  4. Park, Sukhyung, Cho, Kyoungah, Oh, Hyungon, Kim, Sangsig. Electrical and mechanical characteristics of fully transparent IZO thin-film transistors on stress-relieving bendable substrates. Applied physics letters, vol.109, no.14, 143504-.

  5. Kim, Yong-Hwan, Lee, Eunji, Um, Jae Gwang, Mativenga, Mallory, Jang, Jin. Highly Robust Neutral Plane Oxide TFTs Withstanding 0.25 mm Bending Radius for Stretchable Electronics. Scientific reports, vol.6, 25734-.

  6. Lee, Suhui, Shin, Jiyeong, Jang, Jin. Top Interface Engineering of Flexible Oxide Thin‐Film Transistors by Splitting Active Layer. Advanced functional materials, vol.27, no.11, 1604921-.

  7. Lee, Suhui, Jeong, Daun, Mativenga, Mallory, Jang, Jin. Highly Robust Bendable Oxide Thin‐Film Transistors on Polyimide Substrates via Mesh and Strip Patterning of Device Layers. Advanced functional materials, vol.27, no.29, 1700437-.

  8. Billah, Mohammad Masum, Hasan, Md Mehedi, Jang, Jin. Effect of Tensile and Compressive Bending Stress on Electrical Performance of Flexible a-IGZO TFTs. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.38, no.7, 890-893.

  9. Hasan, Md Mehedi, Billah, Mohammad Masum, Naik, Mude Narendra, Um, Jae Gwang, Jang, Jin. Bending Stress Induced Performance Change in Plastic Oxide Thin-Film Transistor and Recovery by Annealing at 300 °C. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.38, no.8, 1035-1038.

  10. Shin, D., Bae, M.S., Yun, I.. Instability of oxide thin film transistor under electrical-mechanical hybrid stress for foldable display. Microelectronics reliability, vol.64, 109-112.

  11. Koo, Min, Park, Kwi-Il, Lee, Seung Hyun, Suh, Minwon, Jeon, Duk Young, Choi, Jang Wook, Kang, Kisuk, Lee, Keon Jae. Bendable Inorganic Thin-Film Battery for Fully Flexible Electronic Systems. Nano letters : a journal dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology, vol.12, no.9, 4810-4816.

  12. Nishide, Hiroyuki, Oyaizu, Kenichi. Toward Flexible Batteries. Science, vol.319, no.5864, 737-738.

  13. Hossain Chowdhury, Md Delwar, Migliorato, Piero, Jang, Jin. Temperature dependence of negative bias under illumination stress and recovery in amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide thin film transistors. Applied physics letters, vol.102, no.14, 143506-.

  14. Ryu, Byungki, Noh, Hyeon-Kyun, Choi, Eun-Ae, Chang, K. J.. O-vacancy as the origin of negative bias illumination stress instability in amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistors. Applied physics letters, vol.97, no.2, 022108-.

  15. Ito, Manabu, Kon, Masato, Miyazaki, Chihiro, Ikeda, Noriaki, Ishizaki, Mamoru, Matsubara, Ryohei, Ugajin, Yoshiko, Sekine, Norimasa. Amorphous oxide TFT and their applications in electrophoretic displays. Physica status solidi. PSS. A, Applications and materials science, vol.205, no.8, 1885-1894.

  16. Chowdhury, Md Delwar Hossain, Um, Jae Gwang, Jang, Jin. Remarkable changes in interface O vacancy and metal-oxide bonds in amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide thin-film transistors by long time annealing at 250 °C. Applied physics letters, vol.105, no.23, 233504-.

  17. Kamiya, T., Nomura, K., Hosono, H.. Origins of High Mobility and Low Operation Voltage of Amorphous Oxide TFTs: Electronic Structure, Electron Transport, Defects and Doping. Journal of display technology, vol.5, no.7, 273-288.

  18. 10.1109/ESSDERC.2013.6818893 

  19. Nomura, Kenji, Ohta, Hiromichi, Takagi, Akihiro, Kamiya, Toshio, Hirano, Masahiro, Hosono, Hideo. Room-temperature fabrication of transparent flexible thin-film transistors using amorphous oxide semiconductors. Nature, vol.432, no.7016, 488-492.

  20. Ung Gi Lee, Mativenga, M., Dong Han Kang, Jin Jang. A Three-Mask-Processed Coplanar a-IGZO TFT With Source and Drain Offsets. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.33, no.6, 812-814.

  21. Ke, Tsung-Ying, Cheng, Kuei-Ning, Wang, Pin-Fan, Hwu, Keh-Long. P‐97: Advantages of Coat‐Debond Technology for Flexible Display. Society for Information Display International Symposium digest of technical papers, vol.47, no.1, 1495-1497.

  22. Mativenga, M, Min Hyuk Choi, Dong Han Kang, Jin Jang. High-Performance Drain-Offset a-IGZO Thin-Film Transistors. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.32, no.5, 644-646.

  23. SID Symp Dig Tech Papers The challenges of flexible OLED display development kao 2017 10.1002/sdtp.11812 1034 

  24. Xiaoyu Gao, Li Lin, Yucheng Liu, Xiuqi Huang. LTPS TFT Process on Polyimide Substrate for Flexible AMOLED. Journal of display technology, vol.11, no.8, 666-669.

  25. Billah, Mohammad Masum, Hasan, Md Mehedi, Chun, Minkyu, Jang, Jin. TCAD Simulation of Dual-Gate a-IGZO TFTs With Source and Drain Offsets. IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, vol.37, no.11, 1442-1445.


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