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Physicians' Experience of Communication with Nurses related to Patient Safety: A Phenomenological Study Using the Colaizzi Method 원문보기

Asian nursing research, v.12 no.3, 2018년, pp.166 - 174  

Park, Kwang-Ok (Department of Nursing, College of Life Science and Natural Resources, Sunchon National University, Sunchon, Republic of Korea) ,  Park, Sung-Hee (Department of Nursing, Kyungmin University, Uijeongbu, Republic of Korea) ,  Yu, Mi (College of Nursing, Institute of Health Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Conclusion: The present findings revealed that physicians lacked an understanding about the roles and tasks of nurses. The participants engaged in mutually complementary communication with experienced nurses, obtaining desirable patient outcomes and perceived order filtering by nurses as a safety me...


참고문헌 (30)

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