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[해외논문] Actin stabilizer TAGLN2 potentiates adoptive T cell therapy by boosting the inside-out costimulation via lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 원문보기

Oncoimmunology, v.7 no.12, 2018년, pp.e1500674 -   

Jeon, Bu-Nam (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Kim, Hye-Ran (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Chung, Yun Shin (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Na, Bo-Ra (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Park, Hyunkyung (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Hong, Chorong (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Fatima, Yasmin (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Oh, Hyeonju (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Kim, Chang-Hyun (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea) ,  Jun, Chang-Duk (School of Life Sciences, GIST , Gwangju, Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

ABSTRACTCorrect temporal and spatial control of actin dynamics is essential for the cytotoxic T cell effector function against tumor cells. However, little is known whether actin engineering in tumor-targeted T cells can enhance their antitumor responses, thereby potentiating the adoptive T cell the...


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