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[해외논문] 3D-Printed Ultra-Robust Surface-Doped Porous Silicone Sensors for Wearable Biomonitoring

ACS nano, v.14 no.2, 2020년, pp.1520 - 1532  

Davoodi, Elham (Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Lab, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Department , University of Waterloo , 200 University Avenue West , Waterloo , Ontario N2L 3G1 , Canada) ,  Montazerian, Hossein (Department of Bioengineering , University of California, Los Angeles , 410 Westwood Plaza , Los Angeles , California 90095 , United States) ,  Haghniaz, Reihaneh (Department of Bioengineering , University of California, Los Angeles , 410 Westwood Plaza , Los Angeles , California 90095 , United States) ,  Rashidi, Armin (Composites Research Network-Okanagan Node (CRN), School of Engineering , University of British Columbia , 3333 University Way , Kelowna , British Columbia V1V 1V7 , Canada) ,  Ahadian, Samad (Department of Bioengineering , University of California, Los Angeles , 410 Westwood Plaza , Los Angeles , California 90095 , United States) ,  Sheikhi, Amir (Department of Bioengineering , University of California, Los A) ,  Chen, Jun ,  Khademhosseini, Ali ,  Milani, Abbas S. ,  Hoorfar, Mina ,  Toyserkani, Ehsan

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Three-dimensional flexible porous conductors have significantly advanced wearable sensors and stretchable devices because of their specific high surface area. Dip coating of porous polymers with graphene is a facile, low cost, and scalable approach to integrate conductive layers with the flexible po...


참고문헌 (69)

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