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[미국특허] Liquid flow controller 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G05D-007/06
출원번호 US-0906922 (1992-06-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Vavra Randall J. (Orange CA) Doyle Michael J. (Villa Park CA) Vu Kim N. (Yorba Linda CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Unit Instruments, Inc. (Yorba Linda CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 0


A liquid flow controller for metering a flow of liquid has an inlet to receive the liquid. The inlet feeds the liquid to a high resistance liquid flow path across which a pressure drop arises. A pressure sensor measures the liquid flow induced pressure drop and generates pressure drop signal which i


A liquid flow controller for metering a flow of liquid comprising: a liquid inlet for receiving the flow of liquid; means coupled to said liquid inlet to receive the flow of liquid for providing a high resistance liquid flow path and for producing a laminar flow of liquid; means for measuring a pres

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Vu Kim N., Apparatus for handling process fluid.
  2. Mohammed, Balarabe Nuhu; Barros, Philip; Martin, Raul A.; Crockett, Mark A.; Sklar, Eric S., Combination manual/pneumatic shut-off valve.
  3. Belz,Jeffrey; Schmitt,Randall Paul; Iott,Jeff; Chiang,Cliff; Barnett,Thomas Alan, Electronic proportioning valve.
  4. Vu, Kim Ngoc, Extreme flow rate and/or high temperature fluid delivery substrates.
  5. Goto, Takao; Aono, Toshihiro; Kawai, Tetsuroh, Flow control device.
  6. Igarashi, Hiroki, Flow rate adjustment apparatus.
  7. Takijiri, Kotaro; Tanaka, Yuki; Ieki, Atsushi, Flow rate control apparatus, storage medium storing program for flow rate control apparatus and flow rate control method.
  8. Yasuda, Tadahiro, Fluid controller.
  9. Vu, Kim Ngoc, Fluid delivery substrates for building removable standard fluid delivery sticks.
  10. Schmitt,Randall Paul, Fluid mixer.
  11. Schmitt,Randall Paul, Fluid mixer.
  12. Laverdiere, Marc; McLoughlin, Robert F.; Gonnella, George; Gashgaee, Iraj; Marrs, Jennifer, Liquid flow controller and precision dispense apparatus and system.
  13. Laverdiere, Marc; McLoughlin, Robert F.; Gonnella, George; Gashgaee, Iraj; Marrs, Jennifer, Liquid flow controller and precision dispense apparatus and system.
  14. Laverdiere, Marc; McLoughlin, Robert F.; Gonnella, George; Gashgaee, Iraj; Marrs, Jennifer, Liquid flow controller and precision dispense apparatus and system.
  15. DiPrizio, Anthony C.; Abbott, Nathan; Vroman, Christopher; Patel, Rajnikant B.; McNamara, Eric, Low-profile surface mount filter.
  16. DiPrizio, Anthony; Abbott, Nathan; Vroman, Christopher; Patel, Rajnikant B.; McNamara, Eric, Low-profile surface mount filter.
  17. DiPrizio, Anthony; Abbott, Nathan; Vroman, Christopher; Patel, Rajnikant B.; McNamara, Eric, Low-profile surface mount filter.
  18. Schmitt, Randall Paul; Belz, Jeffrey, Manual override for electronic proportioning valve.
  19. Gold, Ezra Robert; Fovell, Richard Charles; Cruse, James Patrick; Lee, Jared Ahmad; Geoffrion, Bruno; Buchberger, Douglas Arthur; Salinas, Martin J., Method and apparatus for controlling gas flow to a processing chamber.
  20. Gold, Ezra Robert; Fovell, Richard Charles; Cruse, James Patrick; Lee, Jared Ahmad; Geoffrion, Bruno; Buchberger, Douglas Arthur; Salinas, Martin J., Method and apparatus for controlling gas flow to a processing chamber.
  21. Gold, Ezra Robert; Fovell, Richard Charles; Cruse, James Patrick; Lee, Jared Ahmad; Geoffrion, Bruno; Buchberger, Douglas Arthur; Salinas, Martin J., Method and apparatus for controlling gas flow to a processing chamber.
  22. Melcer,Chris; Lane,John, Method and apparatus for pressure and mix ratio control.
  23. Lane,John; Straube,Ralph H. M.; Melcer,Chris, Method and apparatus for pressure control and flow measurement.
  24. Crockett, Mark; Lane, John W.; Kirchhoff, Vincent; Josephson, Marcel E.; Gao, Hong P.; Manjunath, Bhaswan, Method of diffusion bonding a fluid flow apparatus.
  25. Balarabe, Mohammed Nuhu; Barros, Philip; Martin, Raul A.; Crockett, Mark A.; Sklar, Eric S., Pressure-insensitive mass flow controller.
  26. Tsourides, Christ A., System and method for integrating gas components.
  27. Tsourides, Christ A., System and method for integrating gas components.
  28. Vars Curtis C. ; Yost Jason E. ; McLane Joel L. ; Samuelson Donald R. ; Branch Gary F., Valve for controlling gas mass flow.

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