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Wire bonding capillary 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-020/10
출원번호 US-0420237 (1995-04-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fogal Rich (Boise ID)
출원인 / 주소
  • Micron Technology, Inc. (Boise ID 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 5


A multiple face angle wire bonding capillary of the present invention has an elongated hole therethrough terminating at one end of the capillary tip, and a face on the end of the capillary tip extending away from the hole at multiple angles of increasing magnitude.


A wire bonding capillary, which comprises: a. a capillary tip having an elongated hole therethrough, the hole terminating at one end of the capillary tip; and b. a face on the end of the capillary tip extending away from the hole at multiple angles, wherein a distinct vertex is formed at each change

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. James Kristi L. (Phoenix AZ), Bonding means and method.
  2. Tsumura Kiyoaki (Itami City JPX), Capillary tip for bonding a wire.
  3. Perlberg Gil (Elkins Park PA) Brunner Jon W. (Sellersville PA), Fine pitch capillary bonding tool.
  4. Matsushita Akira (Zyouyou JPX) Konishi Hidekazu (Ibaraki JPX), Method of forming a bump electrode and manufacturing a resin-encapsulated semiconductor device.
  5. Tsumura Kiyoaki (Itami JPX) Fujimoto Hitoshi (Itami JPX), Structure of electrode junction for semiconductor device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21)

  1. Mitsuru Komiyama JP, Bonding capillary and semiconductor device.
  2. Vitali, Battista; Frontero, Alessandro, Capillary for bonding copper wires between a semiconductor circuit chip and a corresponding terminal connector of a semiconductor device.
  3. Lim,Loon A; Vath, III,Charles J, Capillary for wire bonding.
  4. Mutaguchi,Yoshihiko, Capillary for wire bonding and method of wire bonding using it.
  5. Perlberg, Gil; Bahalul, Arie; Mironescu, Dan; Amsalem, Moshe; Brunner, Jon, Capillary with contained inner chamfer.
  6. Perlberg,Gil; Bahalul,Arie; Mironescu,Dan; Amsalem,Moshe; Brunner,Jon, Capillary with contained inner chamfer.
  7. Chapman Gregory M. ; Bettinger Michael J. ; Due Jennifer A., Concave face wire bond capillary.
  8. Chapman Gregory M. ; Bettinger Michael J. ; Due Jennifer A., Concave face wire bond capillary.
  9. Gregory M. Chapman ; Michael J. Bettinger ; Jennifer A. Due, Concave face wire bond capillary.
  10. Chapman, Gregory M.; Bettinger, Michael J.; Due, Jennifer A., Concave face wire bond capillary and method.
  11. Chapman, Gregory M.; Bettinger, Michael J.; Due, Jennifer A., Concave face wire bond capillary and method.
  12. Chapman, Gregory M.; Bettinger, Michael J.; Due, Jennifer A., Concave face wire bond capillary and method.
  13. Chapman,Gregory M.; Bettinger,Michael J.; Due,Jennifer A., Concave face wire bond capillary and method.
  14. Reiber,Steven F., Flip chip bonding tool and ball placement capillary.
  15. Reiber,Steven F., Flip chip bonding tool tip.
  16. Yoshihiko Mutaguchi JP, Method and apparatus for wire-bonding for electric components.
  17. Mironescu,Dan; Atzmon,Ziv; Perlberg,Gil, Multi-part capillary.
  18. Mironescu,Dan; Atzmon,Ziv; Perlberg,Gil, Multi-part capillary.
  19. Perlberg, Gil; Atsmon, Ziv; Sonnenreich, Benjamin; Bahalui, Arie, Ultra fine pitch capillary.
  20. Suzuki Takesi,JPX ; Sakurai Mamoru,JPX ; Torihata Minoru,JPX ; Mii Tatsunari,JPX, Wire bonding capillary.
  21. Razon Eli ; Gal Yoram,ILX, Wire bonding capillary with a conical surface.
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