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Wafer aligner system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-007/00
출원번호 US-0293664 (1999-04-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sagues Paul
  • Gaudio Stephen A.
  • Wong Tim K.
출원인 / 주소
  • Berkeley Process Control, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 69


An alignment device for use with a robot for manipulating and aligning a series of semiconductor wafers with respect to an edge fiducial and the center of each wafer is disclosed. The device includes a rotary vacuum chuck for holding a wafer, and an edge detector comprising a light source that exten


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. In a system for manipulating a series of disk like elements so that each element can be transported separately by a robot having an articulated two leg arm and an end effector to a station in a precise, predetermined orientation and alignment with respect to a reference

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (69)

  1. Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Keller Scott P. (Lincoln MA) Mallory Roy (Bedford MA), Apparatus and methods for measurement system calibration.
  2. Hine Roger G., Apparatus and methods for viewing identification marks on semiconductor wafers.
  3. Brickell Christopher G. (Mukilteo WA) Langland Kenneth A. (Seattle WA), Apparatus for detecting proper positioning of objects in a holder.
  4. Boyle Edward F. (Gig Harbor WA) Wilkins G. Scott (Gig Harbor WA), Apparatus for handling sensitive material such as semiconductor wafers.
  5. Braginsky Sidney (Dix Hills NY), Apparatus for inspecting wafers.
  6. Ishikawa Susumu (Aichi JPX), Apparatus for positioning silicon wafer.
  7. Ryu Do Hyun,KRX, Automatic chip-loading apparatus.
  8. Levy Kenneth (Saratoga CA) Corbin David (Sunnyvale CA) Fleming Alan J. (Santa Clara CA) Friedman David (Framingham MA) Fryklund Gilbert G. (Winchester MA) Parker Vance (San Jose CA) Schliemann Gerd (, Automatic wafer loading and pre-alignment system.
  9. Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA), Conductivity-type sensor.
  10. Mallory Roy (Bedford MA), Contacts for conductivity-type sensors.
  11. Okawa Takashi,JPX ; Iizuka ; deceased Shigeharu,JPX ITX by Kazumi Iizuka ; Toshiki Iizuka ; legal representatives, Device and method for positioning a notched wafer.
  12. Nakazato Hiroshi (Ohme JPX) Matsumura Takashi (Yokohama JPX) Akamatsu Takahiro (Machida JPX) Fukui Kenji (Kawasaki JPX), Device for positioning a semi-conductor wafer.
  13. Aoyama Masaaki (Yokohama) Shiraishi Naomasa (Urawa) Hattori Ken (Hara) Yamaguchi Atsushi (Fujisawa) Amano Kesayoshi (Tokyo JPX), Device for positioning circular semiconductor wafers.
  14. Resler Edwin W. (San Jose CA) Tong Vincent L. (Fremont CA) Swanson Russell C. (San Martin CA) Bogden W. Scott (San Martin CA), Device for programming multiple arrays of semiconductor devices.
  15. Ishii Katsumi (Kanagawa-ken JPX) Kikuchi Hisashi (Esashi JPX), Device for transferring plate-like objects.
  16. Hine Derek L. (Portola Valley CA) Krolak Michael (Los Gatos CA), Devices and methods for reading identification marks on semiconductor wafers.
  17. Hine Derek L. (Portola Valley CA) Krolak Michael (Los Gatos CA), Devices and methods for reading identification marks on semiconductor wafers.
  18. Koenig Franklin R. (Palo Alto CA), Edge finding in wafers.
  19. Palleiko Benjamin (Stoughton MA), Fixture and nonrepeatable error compensation system.
  20. Bonin Michel P. ; Holve Donald J., In situ sensor for near wafer particle monitoring in semiconductor device manufacturing equipment.
  21. Helms Dirk (Ahrensburg DEX), Inserting device for vacuum apparatus.
  22. Ono Hiroo (Yamanashi JPX) Oosawa Tetsu (Sagamihara JPX) Asakawa Teruo (Yamanashi JPX) Nebuka Kenji (Nirasaki JPX), Load-lock unit and wafer transfer system.
  23. Oosawa Tetsu (Sagamihara JPX) Asakawa Teruo (Nakakoma JPX) Nebuka Kenji (Nirasaki JPX) Ono Hiroo (Yamanashi JPX), Load-lock unit and wafer transfer system.
  24. Villarreal Danine (San Antonio TX) Sayka Anthony (Austin TX), Magnetic sensing robotics for automated semiconductor wafer processing systems.
  25. Tepman Avi (Cupertino CA), Method and apparatus for adjustment of spacing between wafer and PVD target during semiconductor processing.
  26. Bartschat Michael K. (Boston MA) Kovalchick Joseph S. (Germansville PA), Method and apparatus for chip placement.
  27. Huynh Tac, Method and apparatus for determining the center and orientation of a wafer-like object.
  28. Brock Earl, Method and apparatus for orienting a disk via edge contact.
  29. Kaveh Farrokh, Method and apparatus for positioning substrates.
  30. Rush John M. ; Andrews J. Randolph ; Collins Richard ; O'Carroll Conor Patrick ; Ou David, Method and apparatus for prealigning wafers in a wafer sorting system.
  31. Rosenberg Louis B. ; Schena Bruce M. ; Brave Scott B., Method and apparatus for tracking the position and orientation of a stylus and for digitizing a 3-D object.
  32. Onodera Hitoshi,JPX, Method for mounting components and apparatus therefor.
  33. Knowles James L. (Pleasanton CA) Pantzar ; deceased Jan E. G. (late of Mountain View CA) Lindfors ; administrator by P. J. C. (San Francisco CA), Method for non-contact xyz position sensing.
  34. Hine Derek L. (Portola Valley CA), Method for transporting silicon wafers.
  35. Stephenson David, Multi-element lens system.
  36. Abbe Robert C. (Newton MA) Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA), Multi-probe grouping system with nonlinear error correction.
  37. Kato Katsuhiko (Ichinomiya JPX), Positioning apparatus for a semiconductor wafer.
  38. Miyashita Masahiro,JPX, Positioning apparatus for substrates to be processed.
  39. Genov ; deceased Genco, Prealigner and planarity teaching station.
  40. Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Mallory Roy E. (Bedford MA), Prealigner probe.
  41. Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Mallory Roy S. (Bedford MA), Robot prealigner.
  42. Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Mallory Roy S. (Bedford MA), Robot prealigner.
  43. Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Mallory Roy S. (Bedford MA), Robot prealigner.
  44. Tepolt Gary B., Robotic wafer handler.
  45. Abbe Robert C. (Newton MA) Baker David G. (North Grafton MA), Rotary to linear motion robot arm.
  46. Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA), Self-calibrating dimension gauge.
  47. Volovich Vladimir W. R. (San Jose CA), Semiconductor object pre-aligning apparatus.
  48. Araki Shinichiro (Kumamoto JPX), Semiconductor treatment system and method for exchanging and treating substrate.
  49. Nishi Hironobu (Sagamihara JPX) Yamaga Kenichi (Sagamihara JPX) Asano Takanobu (Yokohama JPX) Sawado Kazutoshi (Sagamihara JPX) Fumoto Masashi (Sagamihara JPX) Ito Shozo (Sagamihara JPX) Mochizuki Yo, Semiconductor wafer transferring method and apparatus and boat for thermal treatment of a semiconductor wafer.
  50. Cheng David (San Jose CA) Zhang Wesley W. (Burlingame CA), System and method for detecting the center of an integrated circuit wafer.
  51. Bacchi Paul ; Filipski Paul S., Unitary specimen prealigner and continuously rotatable multiple link robot arm mechanism.
  52. Bacchi Paul E. (Novato CA) Filipski Paul S. (Greenbrae CA), Universal specimen prealigner.
  53. Burck, Ross H.; Marks, Ernest E.; Moore, Scott E., Vacuum operated wafer transfer apparatus.
  54. Hine Derek L. (5 Hawk View Portola Valley CA 94025), Wafer alignment and transport mechanism.
  55. Judell Neil H. (Jamaica Plain MA) Abbe Robert C. (Newton MA) Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Mallory Roy (Bedford MA), Wafer alignment station.
  56. Baker Gregory G. (Gig Harbor WA) Boyle Edward F. (Gig Harbor WA), Wafer centration device.
  57. Abbe Robert C. (Newton MA) Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA), Wafer edge detection system.
  58. Abbe Robert C. (Newton MA) Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Judell Neil H. (Jamaica Plain MA), Wafer flatness station.
  59. Abbe Robert C. (Newton MA) Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Goodall Randal K. (North Chelmsford MA) Domenicali Peter (Montpelier VT), Wafer handling and processing system.
  60. Engelbrecht Orest (Ridgefield CT), Wafer handling system.
  61. Kouno Gisuke (Ooita JPX) Ashikari Takuji (Ooita JPX), Wafer holding apparatus.
  62. Baker Gregory G. (Gig Harbor WA) Boyle Edward F. (Gig Harbor WA), Wafer monitoring device.
  63. Kato Katsuhiko (Ichinomiya JPX), Wafer positioning apparatus.
  64. Shimane Kazuo (Kawasaki JPX) Iijima Nobuo (Tama JPX) Kawabata Tatsuro (Kawasaki JPX), Wafer positioning apparatus.
  65. Berken Lloyd M. (Fremont CA) Freerks Frederik W. (Cupertino CA) Jarvi William H. (San Jose CA) Sahin Hatice (Cupertino CA), Wafer positioning system.
  66. Berken Lloyd M. ; Freerks Frederik W. ; Jarvi William H. ; Sahin Hatice, Wafer positioning system.
  67. Mallory Roy E. (Bedford MA) Domenicali Peter (Montepelier VT) Poduje Noel S. (Needham Heights MA) Belyaev Alexander (Wayland MA) Harvey Peter A. (Wilmington MA) Smith Richard S. (Harvard MA), Wafer testing and self-calibration system.
  68. Rush John M. (Mountain View) Ulander Torben (Sunnyvale) Verdon Michael T. (San Jose CA), Wafer transfer machine.
  69. Niewmierzycki Leszek (5328 Studebaker Cir. San Jose CA 95136), Workpiece alignment structure and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41)

  1. Welch, Michael D.; Herchen, Harald, Apparatus and method for detecting a presence or position of a substrate.
  2. Li,Guoguang; Aho,Marc, Apparatus and method for examining a disk-shaped sample on an X-Y-theta stage.
  3. De Ridder, Christianus Gerardus Maria; Oosterlaken, Theodorus Gerardus Maria, Apparatus and method for transferring two or more wafers whereby the positions of the wafers can be measured.
  4. Mitsutoshi Higashi JP; Hiroko Koike JP, Apparatus for positioning a thin plate.
  5. Gardner, DelRae H.; Ramsey, Craig C.; Patelzick, Dana L, Capacitive distance sensing in semiconductor processing tools.
  6. Schwab, John W.; Liu, Gang; Michael, David J.; Wang, Lei, Direct illumination machine vision technique for processing semiconductor wafers.
  7. Mizumaki, Masao, Driving device.
  8. Moura, Jairo T.; Hosek, Martin; Bottomley, Todd; Gilchrist, Ulysses, High speed substrate aligner apparatus.
  9. Moura, Jairo T.; Hosek, Martin; Bottomley, Todd; Gilchrist, Ulysses, High speed substrate aligner apparatus.
  10. Moura, Jairo Terra; Hosek, Martin; Bottomley, Todd; Gilchrist, Ulysses, High speed substrate aligner apparatus.
  11. Nunnink, Laurens, Illumination devices for image acquisition systems.
  12. Liu, Gang; Wang, Lei, Infrared direct illumination machine vision technique for semiconductor processing equipment.
  13. Schwab, John W.; Liu, Gang; Michael, David J., Machine vision technique for manufacturing semiconductor wafers.
  14. Michael R. Conboy ; Elfido Coss, Jr. ; Sam H. Allen, Method and apparatus for aligning wafers.
  15. Michael, David J.; Boatner, John B; Karnacewicz, Martin, Method and apparatus for backlighting a wafer during alignment.
  16. Zlatanov, Borislav, Method and apparatus for masking a workpiece with ink.
  17. Michael, David J.; Clark, James; Liu, Gang, Method and apparatus for semiconductor wafer alignment.
  18. Schindler, Rudger, Method and device for determining a deformation of a disk-shaped workpiece, particularly a mold wafer.
  19. Andersson,Niklas; Sandgren,Simon; ��berg,Johan, Method and device for determining nominal data for electronic circuits by capturing a digital image and compare with stored nominal data.
  20. Yoo, Woo Sik; Kang, Kitaek, Method for determining robot alignment.
  21. Sundar, Satish, Method for on the fly positioning and continuous monitoring of a substrate in a chamber.
  22. Rice,Michael R.; Englhardt,Eric A.; Lowrance,Robert B.; Elliott,Martin R.; Hudgens,Jeffrey C.; Van Katwyk,Kirk; Puri,Amitabh, Monitoring of smart pin transition timing.
  23. Valcore, John, Non-destructive signal propagation system and method to determine substrate integrity.
  24. Yasuda, Masahiko; Sugihara, Taro, Position measurement method, position control method, measurement method, loading method, exposure method and exposure apparatus, and device manufacturing method.
  25. Yasuda, Masahiko; Sugihara, Taro, Position measurement method, position control method, measurement method, loading method, exposure method and exposure apparatus, and device manufacturing method.
  26. Yasuda, Masahiko; Sugihara, Taro, Position measurement method, position control method, measurement method, loading method, exposure method and exposure apparatus, and device manufacturing method.
  27. Yasuda, Masahiko; Sugihara, Taro, Position measurement method, position control method, measurement method, loading method, exposure method and exposure apparatus, and device manufacturing method.
  28. Yasuda, Masahiko; Sugihara, Taro, Position measurement method, position control method, measurement method, loading method, exposure method and exposure apparatus, and device manufacturing method.
  29. Yasuda, Masahiko; Sugihara, Taro, Position measurement method, position control method, measurement method, loading method, exposure method and exposure apparatus, and device manufacturing method.
  30. Blank, Richard M., Robot with integrated aligner.
  31. Doki, Yuichi; Hayashi, Tokutarou, Substrate processing system, substrate placing position adjusting method and storage medium.
  32. Bonciolini, Dennis J.; Ramsey, Craig C.; Gardner, DelRae H.; Schuda, Felix J., Substrate-like particle sensor.
  33. Schemmel, Floyd F.; Reeves, George W.; Hoehner, Troy W., System and method for determining a position error in a wafer handling device.
  34. Cho,Yeon Ha, System to determine proper wafer alignment.
  35. Yoo, Woo Sik; Kang, Kitaek, Wafer alignment system and method.
  36. William R. Johanson ; Craig Stevens ; Steve Kleinke ; Damon Genetti, Wafer centering system and method.
  37. Lindseth, Dale, Wafer prealigner with phase sensitive detection.
  38. Bonciolini, Dennis J.; Lim, Andy K., Wireless sensor for semiconductor processing systems.
  39. Ramsey,Craig C.; Lassahn,Jeffrey K.; Huntzinger,Greg; Gardner,DelRae H., Wireless substrate-like sensor.
  40. Ramsey,Craig C.; Lassahn,Jeffrey K.; Huntzinger,Greg; Gardner,DelRae H., Wireless substrate-like sensor.
  41. Ramsey,Craig C.; Lassahn,Jeffrey K.; Huntzinger,Greg; Gardner,DelRae H., Wireless substrate-like sensor.
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