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[미국특허] High speed serial interface 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/16
출원번호 US-0947234 (2001-09-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Phong,San A.
  • Williams,Kent A.
  • Kuo,Yuanta
  • Yew,Thomas H. C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Xerox Corporation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 6


A high speed, serial interface employs a simplified protocol which minimizes overhead enabling uncompressed image data to be sent serially over a long distance in real-time devices, such as a color printer. Because the error rate experienced in high speed serial and fiber optic links is very small a


What is claimed is: 1. A high speed serial interface, comprising: an initiator device for generating data and messages, wherein the initiator device includes a transceiver for sending and receiving data and messages using a serial protocol; a target device for receiving data and messages, wherein t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

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  2. Nonaka, Takashi, Image forming apparatus and image processing method for limiting the communication between print controller and print engine based on load of the print engine.
  3. Gyllenskog Joel H. (Boise ID), Low-level direct connect for PCL printers.
  4. Kuroi, Yoshinobu; Nishikawa, Satoshi, Print control apparatus, print data generating apparatus, print control method, print data generating method, and storage medium.
  5. Gregg Thomas A. (Highland NY) Hoke Joseph M. (Millerton NY) Pandey Kulwant M. (Lagrangeville NY), Suspending, resuming, and interleaving frame-groups.
  6. Roy, Radhika R., Voice and video/image conferencing services over the IP network with asynchronous transmission of audio and video/images integrating loosely coupled devices in the home network.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Crean, Peter A.; Loce, Robert Paul; Clark, Raymond J., Data architecture for mixed resolution interleaved cross-channel data flow and format.
  2. Yancey, Jerry; Bennett, Aya N.; Adams, Timothy M.; Sanford, Mathew A., Heterogeneous computer architecture based on partial reconfiguration.
  3. Chu, Yunxian; Slobodov, Alexander, Inspection system and method for high-speed serial data transfer.
  4. Bohm, Mark R., Low power and low pin count bi-directional dual data rate device interconnect interface.
  5. Kuo, Yea Zong; Yancey, Jerry W., Methods and systems for relaying data packets.
  6. Kusmanoff, Antone L.; DeLaquil, Matthew P.; Prasanna, Deepak, Multi-phased computational reconfiguration.
  7. Yancey, Jerry W.; Kuo, Yea Z., Systems and methods for data transfer.
  8. Yancey,Jerry W.; Kuo,Yea Z., Systems and methods for interconnection of multiple FPGA devices.
  9. Yancey,Jerry W.; Kuo,Yea Z., Systems and methods for writing data with a FIFO interface.
  10. Eldridge,George L.; Salfity,Munir G.; Tou,John Cheng Ming, Time multiplexed image data decompression circuit.

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