보고서 정보
주관연구기관 |
충남대학교 Chungnam National University |
연구책임자 |
참여연구자 |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 |
발행년월 | 2014-03 |
과제시작연도 |
2010 |
주관부처 |
산림청 |
사업 관리 기관 |
산림청 Korea Forest Service |
등록번호 |
TRKO201400015389 |
과제고유번호 |
1405000941 |
DB 구축일자 |
키워드 |
북한조림.공적개발원조.해외산림.열대림.기후변화.North Korea Forest Rehabilitation.Official Development Assistance.Oversea forest.Tropical forests.Climate change.
▪ 다자간 협력체계 구축을 위한 정책 마련과 전략 수립에 필요한 기본적인 이해와 중요한 정보 제공
▪ 지속가능한 북한조림 사업 추진을 위한 협력체계 구축 전략 수립 가능
▪ 남북산림교류협력사업으로서 REDD+ 준비하고 수행하는 과정에서 중요한 기초 자료로 활용
▪ 남북한의 산림법체계에 정합하는 남북합의서를 체결함으로써 북한법령 적용 시 발생할 수 있는 분쟁의 소지를 사전에 차단하고, 사업을 안정적으로 추진
▪ Community Forest의 조성 가이드라인 및 민관 파트너십 모델 제시를 함으로서 향후 한국이 O
▪ 다자간 협력체계 구축을 위한 정책 마련과 전략 수립에 필요한 기본적인 이해와 중요한 정보 제공
▪ 지속가능한 북한조림 사업 추진을 위한 협력체계 구축 전략 수립 가능
▪ 남북산림교류협력사업으로서 REDD+ 준비하고 수행하는 과정에서 중요한 기초 자료로 활용
▪ 남북한의 산림법체계에 정합하는 남북합의서를 체결함으로써 북한법령 적용 시 발생할 수 있는 분쟁의 소지를 사전에 차단하고, 사업을 안정적으로 추진
▪ Community Forest의 조성 가이드라인 및 민관 파트너십 모델 제시를 함으로서 향후 한국이 ODA 목적으로 개발도상국에 CF사업을 실시 할 시에 효과적으로 사업을 설계하고 사업시행착오 최소화
▪ 산림분야 ODA 콘텐츠 개발을 통한 개발도상국의 새로운 지원 방향 제시
▪ 한국형 산림 ODA 신사업 개발을 통한 바이오에너지 자원 확보 및 민간투자 기반 조성, 국제협력 인프라 기반을 형성하며, 국가브랜드 제고 및 수혜국가와 상생적 협력관계 유지
▪ 국내 기업 및 기관의 해외임업 진출에 대한 가이드라인 제시
▪ 해외조림 투자기업에게 지역 및 품목별 투자 정보를 제공하여 투자의 효율성을 증가시킬 수 있다.
▪ 국내 기업의 해외진출 투자시나리오 및 진출모델 연구
▪ 열대림 및 반건조지 산림생태계의 특성과 육림 육종 산림보호 교란을 이해하여 국제적으로 일할 산림인력의 교육 및 훈련에 응용하고, 해외 조림과 투자에 정보를 제공할 것임.
▪ 생물다양성 보전, 육림, 육종, 산림보호, 병해충 방제, 교란, 그리고 산림복원 등의 기술개발에 응용
▪ 열대림 및 반건조시 생태계의 군집수준 및 개체군수준의 정보수집·분석하여 산림분야를 포함한 녹색산업분야, 한방분야 등 다양한 분야 산업발전의 기초정보 활용
▪ 해외 주요 경제 수종에 대한 생장정보 및 탄소고정량 추정을 통하여 사업 시행 시 조림 수종 선정에 대한 기초적인 정보 제공
Ⅳ. Results
1. Implementation strategy research for continuous forest restoration of North Korea
This study explores policy and support system toward North Korea in the existing domestic and overseas forest sector as well as barriers and acceptance from North Korea; and provides a strategy of d
Ⅳ. Results
1. Implementation strategy research for continuous forest restoration of North Korea
This study explores policy and support system toward North Korea in the existing domestic and overseas forest sector as well as barriers and acceptance from North Korea; and provides a strategy of domestic and overseas forest cooperative system by suggesting forest restoration program in North Korea, based on a scenario of North Korea's accepting the support. Exploring policy toward North Korea leads to suggest 'Green Detente', a current policy toward it focusing on establishing peaceful cooperative system and observing international criteria, should be achieved by linking it with a forest restoration project of North Korea. According to the results of reviewing principle of Official Development Assistance in international society, principle of supporting fragile countries, and principle of South Korea's development and collaboration toward North Korea, the followings are drawn as factors to consider in order to enhance effectiveness of forest restoration project in North Korea: setting specific goal and vision of support; setting the scope of specific collaboration on the basis of need, acceptance within South Korea, and goals of the restoration; effective structure of collaboration and role allocation; and South Korea's capability to support the development. In addition, an integrated restoration program applied with a concept of Forest Landscape Restoration as a strategy to ensure the sustainability of forest restoration project will allow a step-by-step approach to the restoration, leading to the diversity of project resources and to the visualization of expected benefit. Thus, it is expected to promote residents' participation to the project and to set achievable goal for restoration.
Some possible projects to support in North Korea are drawn from the analysis of forest projects toward North Korea, both required by North Korea and suggested by South Korea and international organizations such as five sectors except the sector of strengthening ability in human resources, laws and regulations, one of collaboration and transfer of technology. However, the governance of forest collaboration toward North Korea in South Korea is currently characterized as the governance with deregulation, showing vulnerable structure on the perspective of durability. Thus, it is necessary to establish a meta governance centered on the central government to secure sustainability of forest projects toward North Korea. Based on the understanding of international organizations to obtain international collaboration; and the understanding of current status of support toward North Korea in an international society and of failure factors, a potential collaborative organization to prepare resources and to implement the projects is verified. Last, a collaboration guideline is provided to promote project of devastated forest restoration in North Korea by suggesting types of collaborative system both domestic and overseas and strategies to establish them depending on the degree of North Korea's accepting them.
In addition, this study develops a plan to promote REDD+ project of North Korea. First of all, the validity of REDD+ project is analyzed in the sector of policy, economy, and forest environment. First, through the analysis of media in North Korea, this study verifies the tendency and changes of policy in North Korea in the sector of policy. In the 1990's, the policy focused on the use of forest resources; however, entering 2000, it reinforces protection and management of forest, along with creating forest and parks. These findings show the validity that REDD+ project can move forward as a forest reservation project, promoted by policies of forest in North Korea.
Second, relative to reference in economic filed, if 25% of conversion of forest in North Korea is reduced, the obtainable amount of REDD carbon emission for 20 years is estimated as 42,322,465~52,903,081tCO2eq., which is the amount to cover from 28% to 35% of reduction target of intermediate-term goal of Korea. The break-even point, where the cost of REED project in North Korea, is estimated as 19.19$/tCO2eq. when the risk rate of non-persistence of forest is assumed as 20%. This figure turns out to be hard to guarantee economic validity as it is higher than REDD carbon emission price, 5$/tCO2eq., transacted in voluntary market in 2010. However, it can be considered to have social validity in a way that it was lower than marginal social cost, 20$/tCO2eq., for preparation to climate change.
Third, through the data analysis of satellite image, the status of conversion of North Korea forest to detect potential target area of REDD+. Among the area with hugh forest and prominent in conversion of forest were Dancheon city, Heocheon-gun, Kimhyeongwon-gun, Deokseong-gun, Daeheung-gun, Yodeuk-gun in Hamkyeongnam-do area and Yeongwon-gun in Pyeongannam-do. These analysis verifies the political, economic, and physical validity of REDD+ project. Finally, with the application of strategic decision-making technology, ACTIFELD, a plan to promote REDD+ project in North Korea to secure carbon emission rights of forest step by step. After reflecting specialists' opinions, the degree of importance of strategy depending on stages and the status of possessing resources are verified, which draws 13 final strategies after reviewing failure factors and plan for solution of each strategy. These strategies should contribute to establish systematic, technical, and social basis to implement REDD+ projects successfully. Furthermore, they will contribute to international growth and development in the sector of South and North Korea as well as to secure carbon emission rights of forest through establishing basis for securing carbon emission rights of forest and cultivating forest-related industry.
Last but not the least, based on characteristics of laws and regulation of South and North Korea's forest, an agreement is suggested to utilize them immediately if South and North Korea's exchange recommences, in which comparative analysis of unified Germany's case in environment agreement is reflected as well as forest-related agreement between other countries and South Korea and North Korea, respectively and the agreement between South Korea and North Korea since inception. Also, a systematic means of supplementation is added to resolve problems of having less power of rule due to the failure of full implementation of the agreement between South and North Korea.
2. Implementation strategy research of ODA project in forest sector
Several consideration should be focused on as follows in carrying out CFM projects for the purpose of ODA project in developing countries: ① thorough pre- and postinvestigation, ② duration and budget of project, ③ collaborative organizations, ④ sustainable management of forest, etc. Regarding thorough pre- and post- investigation, a continued monitoring from the beginning till the completion of the project should be made to collect opinions from local meetings with parties interested to ensure a plan with local opinions are reflected, to minimize disputes, and to draw plan for efficient forest management. Also, pilot survey should be conducted in the even of implementing Community forest project for target areas through collection of fundamental data to set period and budget of project. In terms of management method of forest, as it can be proceeded based on active participation from residents, mostly the management shows a type of unique method such as agroforestry. In fact, the method of forest management and species of trees in reforestration is influenced by the surrounding environment such as geographical, physiographic, cultural, and ecological circumstances. For example, in Indonesia, as most productive forests can only obtain lawful rights of cutting from the government, in the conservation forests such methods should be considered that using non-timber forest products and activating tourism business. In addition, a collaborative activity with a variety of organizations can provide authoritative intelligence to be used to select target area and the social and economic survey of the target area. Also, the cooperation with NGO can offer easier access to local residents in the forest and help smooth operation.
A comprehensive support should be provided along with ODA from other fields not only in the field of forest but also other fields such as agriculture and public health. In specific, it turns out that there is no impact of ODA support in the field of forest due to the increase of lumbering used as woodfuel in the case of African areas. Thus, more support should be made for forest management, preventing forest fire, pest management, and manpower training. In addition, a direct support such as reforestration is believed to be more efficient for those countries with less than GNP $1,005; while a support related with forest management and maintenance such as forest policy and forest management is thought to be needed for those countries with more than GNP $1,006. For the case of the support classified by OECD/DAC classification, there is no statistical significance depending on ODA support in the field of forest, it shows difference with the result of analysis based on average for the past 10 year. Thus, a support depending on the average GNP for at least 10 years is needed rather than the support based on the criteria of OECD/DAC.
A practical effectiveness of support is needed such as establishing close infrastructure for the development of industry of beneficiary countries as well as for securing overseas resources and responding climate change. Also, a supporting model should be created linked with the foundation of target country, aiming at 'independence' of recipient country from the new government. Given the situation of Indonesia, a target country, it is required to develop customized forest ODA new project to prevent devastated forest and reforestration project, forest protection policy along with the supported met with the expectation of practical resources and profit, by setting priority focusing on promoting economic capacity of people and developing the industry. Thus, this study suggests an ideal ODA model customized for Korean forest through continuous monitoring based on international collaboration, overseas reforestration project of private sector, ODA in the field of forest between supporting country and recipient one.
3. Research to enhance competitiveness of overseas forest investment corporations
This study verifies the status of international forest, analyzes, and forecasts the demands of each item in lumber and bio energy in order to secure the competitiveness of overseas enterprises of forest investment. Also, this study provides an analysis how to and what to consider for overseas business entry of reforestration project and procedures of investment for domestic enterprises. For overseas reforestration project, each investment environment is different depending on the countries and moreover, there exist a variety of variables. Thus, an analysis of how to approach the problems drawn from scenario analysis of existing overseas forest investment enterprises to reduce investment risk of domestic enterprises. In addition, an analysis of forest investment environment in Indonesia and international agreement in Laos, leading to provide cases for expanding overseas forest investment target country and international collaborative plans.
4. Research to establish and utilize information of tropical forest and semiarid region
Researchers visited to study tropical forests such as Solomon, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Brazil. As a business entered in Solomon, grafting and collecting among excellent entity trees, EPPL has set up a seed garden in which seeds currently in supply and demand are sowed and raised. In specific, major types of young trees and ones used for reforestration are eucalyptus (70%) and teca (30%). In Myanmar, rubber trees, teca, and false acacia are being selected to be planted in a forest which has been deserted after a huge lumbering and along the high way for reforestration. Also, in Cambodia, young trees of rubber trees are being planted with diversity in their species, appropriate to red soil of the local. In addition, conversion of forest in Laos are diverse: forest is encroached for permanent farmland, slash-and-burn field (northern area), lumbering (middle and southern area), forest fire, conversion of forest through development. In Brazil, a modeling is applied for whole procedures such as E. Grandis' ecophysiological procedure, biochemistry, and environmental effect and an analysis is conducted for the impact of mixed planting Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium as well as preventing soil moisture, fertilization, and rainfall. For forest in semiarid region, researchers visited Mongolia and tunisia. In Mongolia, a huge amount of forest has been converted due to forest disease and pest, forest fire, desertification, climate change, decrease of pasture, and illegal lumbering. However, Mongolia is recovering it with the support of various international organization and programs with other countries. Also, in Tunisia, low saline groundwater and urban sewage has been used in planting because it is located in dry areas.
In order to establish and utilize information of planting and ecology for major species of trees in tropical forest and semiarid land forest, the information was collected and analyzed for reforestration surrounding of Myanmar, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Mongolia. For a vegetation survey, a variety of factors of position and environment were considered such as geography, ecological density, and altitude. According to the vegetation survey, class of dominance, combining coverage of each species occurring within the target area and number of items, is classified depending on layers and later determined and recorded. Also, state of growth is measured by the class of sociality depending on species items' gathering or separation. For diameter measurement, forest trees with longer than 2㎝ height and diameter at breast height of each target area are measured to get share rate of layers of each target area and to analyze trend of plant succession. In addition, a growth pattern of the Philippine's major reforestration species, Gmelina arborea, Acacia mangium, and Swietenia macrophylla, are measured. Gmelina arborea shows no significant changes in diameter at the breast height, at the size of more or less of 30cm; Acacia mangium shows active growth after 30cm of diameter; Swietenia macrophylla는 shows no significant changes in diameter at the breast height, at the size of more or less of 25cm. In addition, the growth pattern of Parashorea malaanonan, Celtis luzonica, Diplodiscus paniculatus, Swietenia macrophylla shows that when diameter is the same, the growth pattern is best for Parashorea malaanonan, followed by Swietenia macrophylla, Celtis luzonica, and Diplodiscus paniculatus. Also, in Kalimantan area in the middle of Indonesia, the growth pattern of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus is analyzed in terms of diameter-breast height; the growth pattern of age of stand-breast height is also analyzed; and the volume table is compiled. In Myanmar, the analysis of growth pattern of Tectona grandis and Xylia xylocarpa shows that Xylia xylocarpa grows better than Tectona grandis in Myanmar.
목차 Contents
- 표지 ... 1
- 제 출 문 ... 3
- 보고서 요약서 ... 5
- 요 약 문 ... 7
- SUMMARY ... 15
- 목 차 ... 25
- Ⅰ. 총 괄 ... 27
- 제 1 장 연구사업단의 개요 ... 29
- 제 2 장 연구사업단의 성과 ... 44
- Ⅱ. 제1핵심과제 : 지속적인 북한산림 복원을 위한 추진전략 연구 ... 45
- 제 1 장 연구개발과제의 개요 ... 49
- 제 2 장 국내외 기술개발 현황 ... 52
- 제 3 장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ... 54
- 제1절 지속적인 북한산림 복원을 위한 추진전략 연구 -국내추진체계 구축 전략 수립 ... 54
- 제2절 북한 산림전용 및 산림황폐화 방지 (REDD+) 사업 추진 방안 연구 ... 124
- 제3절 남북한의 법체계연구와 남북합의서 초안마련(남북한 산림협력합의서 체결 방안) ... 184
- 제 4 장 목표달성도 및 관련분야에의 기여도 ... 215
- 제 5 장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ... 216
- 제 6 장 연구개발과정에서 수집한 해외과학기술정보 ... 217
- 제 7 장 참고문헌 ... 218
- Ⅲ. 제2핵심과제 : 산림분야 ODA사업 개발 및 추진전략 연구 ... 227
- 제 1 장 연구개발과제의 개요 ... 231
- 제 2 장 국내외 기술개발 현황 ... 234
- 제 3 장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ... 210
- 제1절 산림분야 ODA와 Community Forest 조성 ... 236
- 제2절 기후변화대응을 위한 산림분야 ODA사업 정책 연구 ... 236
- 제3절 국제기구와의 연계 및 협력네트워크 기반 산림분야 ODA 신사업 발굴 ... 344
- 제4절 산림분야 ODA사업 전략 ... 386
- 제 4 장 목표달성도 및 관련분야에의 기여도 ... 388
- 제 5 장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ... 389
- 제 6 장 연구개발과정에서 수집한 해외과학기술정보 ... 390
- 제 7 장 참고문헌 ... 391
- Ⅳ. 제3핵심과제 : 해외산림 투자기업의 경쟁력 확보방안 연구 ... 397
- 제 1 장 연구개발과제의 개요 ... 401
- 제 2 장 국내외 기술개발 현황 ... 402
- 제 3 장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ... 403
- 제1절 국내의 해외임업 진출 기업/기관의 경쟁력 확보방안 연구 ... 403
- 제2절 국내 목재 및 바이오 에너지 수요량 조사 연구와 개발 계획 ... 468
- 제3절 효율적 산림투자를 위한 국제협력방안 수립 및 주요 투자대상국의 SWOT분석 ... 518
- 제 4 장 목표달성도 및 관련분야에의 기여도 ... 574
- 제 5 장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ... 575
- 제 6 장 연구개발과정에서 수집한 해외과학기술정보 ... 576
- 제 7 장 참고문헌 ... 577
- Ⅴ. 제4핵심과제 : 열대림과 반건조지 정보구축 및 활용방안 연구 ... 579
- 제 1 장 연구개발과제의 개요 ... 583
- 제 2 장 국내외 기술개발 현황 ... 585
- 제 3 장 연구개발수행 내용 및 결과 ... 587
- 제1절 열대림과 반건조지 산림 생태계의 육림, 육종, 산림보호, 교란에 대한 정보 구축 ... 587
- 제2절 열대림과 반건조지 산림의 주요수종에 대한 식생, 생태 정보구축 및 활용연구 ... 668
- 제3절 열대림과 반건조지 산림의 주요수종에 대한 생장 및 경영 정보에 관한 연구 ... 694
- 제 4 장 목표달성도 및 관련분야에의 기여도 ... 720
- 제 5 장 연구개발결과의 활용계획 ... 722
- 제 6 장 연구개발과정에서 수집한 해외과학기술정보 ... 723
- 제 7 장 참고문헌 ... 727
- 부 록 ... 731
- 끝페이지 ... 750
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