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[국가R&D연구보고서] 대도시권을 위한 인공지능기반 대규모 교통신호 제어기술 개발
AI-empowered Large Scale Traffic Signal Control for use in Metropolitan Area 원문보기

보고서 정보
주관연구기관 한국과학기술원
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
연구책임자 여화수
언어 대한민국
과제시작연도 2018
주관부처 과학기술정보통신부
Ministry of Science and ICT
과제관리전문기관 한국과학기술원
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
등록번호 TRKO201900016559
과제고유번호 1711078345
사업명 한국과학기술원연구운영비지원(주요사업비)
DB 구축일자 2019-11-09
DOI https://doi.org/10.23000/TRKO201900016559



1. Research Purpose
(1) Background and Motivation
Over the past decades, the field of urban traffic control (UTC) has been studied in various ways for increasing urban mobility. Development of traffic responsive signal control strategies is the main example since urban traffic flow dynamics es

목차 Contents

  • COVER ... 1
  • 1. Research Purpose ... 2
  • (1) Background and Motivation ... 2
  • (2) Research Objective ... 2
  • (3) Social Impact ... 3
  • (4) Benefit to Talent ... 4
  • 2. Research Target Using Progress Chart ... 4
  • 3. Research Method ... 5
  • (1) Development of Traffic Simulator for Deep Learning ... 5
  • (2) MFD-based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Perimeter Control ... 6
  • (3) Local Area Traffic Control with DDPG ... 7
  • (4) Integration of Bi-level Control Algorithms ... 8
  • (5) Algorithm Validation and Application to Abu Dhabi Network ... 9
  • 4. Research Results ... 10
  • (1) Development of Traffic Simulator for Deep Learning ... 10
  • (2)MFD-based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Perimeter Control ... 14
  • (3) Local Area Traffic Control with DDPG ... 18
  • (4) Integration of Bi-level Control Algorithms ... 22
  • (5) Algorithm Validation and Application to Abu Dhabi Network ... 22
  • 5. Research Achievements ... 23
  • (1)Research achievements ... 23
  • End of Page ... 27

표/그림 (20)

참고문헌 (25)

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