[국내논문]HACCP제도를 활용한 피자 전문 패스트푸드 업체의 자체 위생관리기준 설정 - 샐러드를 중심으로 - Application of HACCP System on Establishing Hygienic Standards in Pizza Specialty Restaurant - Focused on Salad Items -원문보기
The study was conducted to establish hygienic standards of salad items for pizza restaurant located in Seoul by applying HACCP system during the summer of 2000. The study measured temperature, time, pH, Aw and microbial assessments. The hygienic conditions of the kitchen and workers were on the aver...
The study was conducted to establish hygienic standards of salad items for pizza restaurant located in Seoul by applying HACCP system during the summer of 2000. The study measured temperature, time, pH, Aw and microbial assessments. The hygienic conditions of the kitchen and workers were on the average(1.21, 1.0 out of 3 pts.), but some improvement should be made: separate use of trash can and leftover disposal, separate use of knives and cutting boards, habits for hand washing and wearing hygienic gloves. For salad production, all procedures were peformed under food safety danger zone ($5{\~}60^{\circ}C$). The ingredients were mostly above pH 5.0 and high in Aw($0.94{\~}0.99$). Microbial assessments for salad production revealed that TPC($1.8{\times}10^3{\~}1.0{\times}10^{10}CFU/g$) and coliforms($1.5{\times}10{\~}5.2{\times}10^5 CFU/g$) exceeded the standards by Solberg et al.(TPC: $10^6CFU/g$, coliforms: $10^3CFU/g$). S. aureus was not detected but Salmonella was found in three food items(egg, macaroni and macaroni salad). Moreover, the workers' hands contained 3.1 104 CFU/g of TPC and 4.2 102 CFU/g of S. aureus requiring further remedy since it exceeded the safety standards suggested by Harrigan and McCance (500 CFU/g of TPC per $100cm^2$ and 10 CFU/g of coliforms per $100cm^2$). According to the critical control point(CCP) decision tree analysis, vegetable receiving, vegetable holding, mixing, display on coleslaw, macaroni draining, display on macaroni salad, egg peeling & cutting, apple cutting, and display on salad bar were determined as CCPs. From the findings it would be suggested that purchase of Quality materials, short holding and display time, storing food at right temperature, using sanitary cooking utensils, and improvement of workers' food handing practices are needed to ensure the safe salad production in this specific pizza restaurant.
The study was conducted to establish hygienic standards of salad items for pizza restaurant located in Seoul by applying HACCP system during the summer of 2000. The study measured temperature, time, pH, Aw and microbial assessments. The hygienic conditions of the kitchen and workers were on the average(1.21, 1.0 out of 3 pts.), but some improvement should be made: separate use of trash can and leftover disposal, separate use of knives and cutting boards, habits for hand washing and wearing hygienic gloves. For salad production, all procedures were peformed under food safety danger zone ($5{\~}60^{\circ}C$). The ingredients were mostly above pH 5.0 and high in Aw($0.94{\~}0.99$). Microbial assessments for salad production revealed that TPC($1.8{\times}10^3{\~}1.0{\times}10^{10}CFU/g$) and coliforms($1.5{\times}10{\~}5.2{\times}10^5 CFU/g$) exceeded the standards by Solberg et al.(TPC: $10^6CFU/g$, coliforms: $10^3CFU/g$). S. aureus was not detected but Salmonella was found in three food items(egg, macaroni and macaroni salad). Moreover, the workers' hands contained 3.1 104 CFU/g of TPC and 4.2 102 CFU/g of S. aureus requiring further remedy since it exceeded the safety standards suggested by Harrigan and McCance (500 CFU/g of TPC per $100cm^2$ and 10 CFU/g of coliforms per $100cm^2$). According to the critical control point(CCP) decision tree analysis, vegetable receiving, vegetable holding, mixing, display on coleslaw, macaroni draining, display on macaroni salad, egg peeling & cutting, apple cutting, and display on salad bar were determined as CCPs. From the findings it would be suggested that purchase of Quality materials, short holding and display time, storing food at right temperature, using sanitary cooking utensils, and improvement of workers' food handing practices are needed to ensure the safe salad production in this specific pizza restaurant.
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