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[국내논문] 성남지역 노인의 영양 및 건강상태 조사 - II. 식습관 및 영양소 섭취실태-
Nutritional and Health Status of the Elderly Living in Songnam II. Dietary Habits and Nutrient Intakes 원문보기

한국식품영양학회지 = The Korean journal of food and nutrition, v.17 no.4, 2004년, pp.420 - 428  

김경민 (배화여자대학 식품영양과) ,  권종숙 (신구대학 식품영양과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary habits and nutrient intakes of the elderly living in Songnam area. Responses from 318(153 men, 165 women) elderly individuals aged from 58 to 92 were analyzed. The results of this study are as follows. Regular dietary habit scores of the elder...


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문제 정의

  • 본 연구에서는 성남지역 노인들을 대상으로 식습관 실태 및 영양소 섭취량을 조사함으로써 성남 지역 사회 노인들의 식습관의 문제점과 식생활에 대한 정보를 바탕으로 향후 지역 사회 노인들의 건강 증진의 방향 및 정책 수립을 위한 기초 자료를 제시하고자 한다.
  • 본 연구는 성남시 노인정의 남녀 노인을 대상으로 노인정을 순회하며 실시되었고 실제 조사인원 360명중 자료 분석과정에서 결손된 인원을 제외한 318명(남자 153명, 여자165명)으로부터 조사한 설문지와 면접을 통한 24시간 회상법을 이용한 영양소 섭취량 자료 등을 분석함으로써 이루어졌다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (24)

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  15. Park JK and Son SM. The dietary behaviors, depression rates and nutrient intakes of the elderly females living alone. Korean J. Community Nutrition 8:716-725. 2003 

  16. Son, SM, Park, YJ, Koo, JO, Kim, SB, Lee, KS and Yoon, HY. Nutritional and health status of Korean elderly from low-income, urban area and improving effect of meal service on nutritional and health status - IV. The effect of meal service on mineral status and clinical symptoms-. Korean J. Community Nutrition 1:395-404. 1996 

  17. Son, SM, Park, YJ, Koo JO, See, YN, Yoon, HY. Nutritional and health status of Korean elderly from low-income, urban area and improving effect of meal Service on nutritional and health status - V. The effect of meal service for one year on nutritional and health status-. Korean J. Community Nutrition 2:63-73. 1997 

  18. Hyun, TS and Kim, KN. Nutritional status of the elderly living in Cheongju - II. Anthropometric, biochemical and clinical assessment-. Korean J. Community Nutrition 2:568-577. 1997 

  19. Kwon, JS and Lee, HJ. Nutritional and health status of the elderly living in Songnam - I. Anthropometric measurements and biochemical nutritional status-. Korean J. Food Nutr. 16:310-320. 2003 

  20. Yim, KS, Min, YH and Lee, TY. Strategies to improve nutrition for the elderly: An analysis of health related factors and the nutritional risk index of the elderly. Korean J. Community Nutrition 2:376-387. 1997 

  21. Yim, KS, Min, YH, and Lee, TY. Evaluations of the elderly nutrition improvement program in the community health center: Effects of nutrition counseling and education program on elderly dietary behavior. J. Korean Dietetic Association 3:197-210. 1997 

  22. Yim, KS, Min, YH, Lee, TY and Kim, YJ. Strategies to improve nutrition for the elderly in Suwon: Analysis of dietary behavior and food preferences. Korean J. Community Nutrition 3:410-422. 1998 

  23. Son, SM and Kim MJ. Nutritional status and utilization of public health center of elderly. Korean J. Community Nutrition 6:218-226. 2001 

  24. Lee, YM and Byun, HK. Opinions about free congregate site meal service for elderly in Sungnam area. Korean J. Community Nutrition 2:246-255. 1997 

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