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NTIS 바로가기한국조리과학회지 = Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science, v.21 no.2 = no.86, 2005년, pp.190 - 194
홍정진 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 농촌자원개발연구소 농산물가공이용과) , 안태현 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원 농촌자원개발연구소 농산물가공이용과)
This study was conducted to investigate the changes in contents of total flavonoid and total polyphenol of three leafy vegetables, spinach(Spinacia oleracea L.), chard(Beta vulgaris L.), whorled mallow(Malva verticillata L.) by various blanching times. Total flavonoid and total polyphenol contents o...
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