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한.미 대학생의 노인과 노화에 대한 태도가 조모-손자녀 간의 친밀도에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Korean and American Undergraduate Students' Attiitudes toward the Elderly and Aging on Grandmother-Grandchild Intimacy 원문보기

한국가정관리학회지 = Journal of Korean Home Management Association, v.24 no.5 = no.83, 2006년, pp.53 - 68  

이신숙 (순천대학교 소비자.가족아동학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study examines Korean and American undergraduate students' intimacy toward the grandmother and their attitudes toward the elderly and aging. The study also identifies the variances that influence undergraduate students' attitudes. The subjects were 397 Korean and 364 America undergraduates. Sta...


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