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[국내논문] 집단게임놀이 프로그램이 ADHD성향 아동의 실행기능에 미치는 효과
The Effects of Group Game Play Program on ADHD-Liked Children's Executive Functione-fla 원문보기

대한가정학회지 = Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association, v.47 no.4 = no.250, 2009년, pp.25 - 35  

윤미희 (KAGE 영재교육학술원 대전 본원) ,  길경숙 (KAGE 영재교육학술원 대전 본원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of group game play program on ADHD-liked children’s executive function. The game play program was implemented for children in experiment group to find out the effect of the group game play program on ADHD-liked executive function. The subjects of th...


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