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[국내논문] 당귀분말을 첨가한 냉동쿠키 제조 조건의 최적화
Optimized Recipe for Cookies with Dried Danggue Powder Determined by Response Surface Methodology 원문보기

東아시아食生活學會誌 = Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life, v.19 no.3, 2009년, pp.421 - 429  

주나미 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과) ,  이선미 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과) ,  정희선 (숙명여자대학교 전통문화예술대학원 식생활문화)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was conducted to develop a recipe for a nutritional cookie containing Danggue powder, and to achieve an optimal ingredient composition and texture that would appeal to consumers of all ages. To reduce its content, wheat flour was partially substituted with Danggue in the formulation. Resp...


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가설 설정

  • 05) increased redness in cookies. The (b) values of cookies were hardly influenced by the amounts of sugar and butter. On the other hand, the (b)value was significantly reduced with additional Danggue powder.
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참고문헌 (15)

  1. Ahn KS, Sim WS, Kim HM, Han SB, Kim IH (1996) Immunostimulating components from the root of Angelica gigas Nakai. Korean J Pharmacogn 27: 254-261. 

  2. American Association of Cereal Chemists AACC Approved Methods of the AACC. 9th ed (1995) American of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, MN. P 1052. 

  3. Choi EJ, Kim HS (2006) Acceptance of hondonbyung with different mixing ratio of leaf and root of Angelicae powder. Korean J Food Cookery Sci.22: 88-95. 

  4. Ham MS, Kim SS, Hong JS, Lee JH, Chung EK, Park YS, Lee HY (1996) Screening and comparison of active substances of Angelica gigas Nakai produced in Kangwon and Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa produced in Japan. Korean J Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 24: 624-629. 

  5. Joo NM, Lee SM, Jung HS, Park SH, Song YH, Shin JH, Jung HA (2008) Optimization of cookie preparation by addition of yam powder. Korean J Food Preserv 15: 49-57. 

  6. Kim HR, Seog EJ, Lee JH (2007) Effects of onion powder and baking temperature on the physicochemical properties of cookies. Korean J Food Sci Nutr 12: 160-166. 

  7. Lee JY, Ju JC, Park HJ, Heu ES, Choi SY, Shin JH (2006) Quality characteristics of cookies with bamboo leaves powder. Korean J Food & Nutr 19: 1-7. 

  8. Luisa G, Ana PB, Ana M, Jos E, Anabela R (2007) Chlorella vulgaris biomass used as colouring source in traditional butter cookies. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 8: 433-436. 

  9. Park BH, Cho HS, Park SY (2005) A study on the antioxidative effect and quality characteristics of cookies made with Lycii fructus powder. Korean J Food Cookery Sci 21: 94-102. 

  10. Park YS (2002) Traditional Oriental medicine pharmacology comment, Academy Publisher, Seoul. Republic of Korea. pp 122-123. 

  11. Seo MJ, Jung SJ, Jang MS (2006) Optimization of ingredient mixing ratio for preparation of steamed foam cake with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) sproutling powder. Korean J Food Cookery Sci 22: 815-824. 

  12. Shin GM, Roh SH (1999) A Study on the texture of cookie depending the quality of green tea. Culinary Research 5: 133-146. 

  13. Shin MG (1986) Color clinic phytologym, Nam San Dang., Seoul. Republic of Korea. p 221-223. 

  14. Singh M, Mohamed A (2007) Influence of gluten-soy protein blends on the quality of reduced carbohydrates cookies. Lebensm-Wiss u-Technol 40: 353-360. 

  15. Yuk CS, An DG (1973) Modern phytology. Gyomunsa, Seoul. Republic of Korea. p 158. 

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