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학교급식 식재료 유통업체의 위생관리 실태
Sanitation Management Practices of Food Delivery Companies that Supply Food to School Foodsevice establishments 원문보기

한국식품저장유통학회지 = Korean journal of food preservation, v.17 no.6, 2010년, pp.889 - 896  

김윤화 (대구대학교 식품영양학과) ,  이연경 (경북대학교 식품영양학과 및 장수생활과학연구소)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 학교급식 식재료의 위생관리 실태를 파악하기 위하여 식재료 유통업체 38곳을 대상으로 위생관리 수행수준과 위생관리 현황을 조사하였다. 학교급식 식재료 공급과 관련된 업체 위생관리 수행수준은 5점 척도의 자가평가로 실시되었으며, 식재료관리와 배송직원 관리영역은 4.47/5(89.4/100)점, 배송차량 관리영역은 4.38/5(87.6/100)점이었고, 총 수행점수는 4.45/5(89/100)점이었다. 대리점형태의 유통업체의 위생관리 점수가 가장 높았고, 개인위생 영역의 점수가 유의하게 높았다. 또한 83%의 유통업체가 납품의 투명성을 확보하기 위해 식재료 품질 규격서가 필요하며, 유통단계에서의 위생인증제도가 필요하다고 하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We evaluated the sanitation management practices in food delivery companies that supply food and food ingredients to school food-service establishments. We examined the practices 38 food delivery companies located in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk areas of Korea. Sanitation management practices were self-e...


참고문헌 (23)

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  3. Korea Food Drug Administration. (2009) Food poisoning statistics system. Accessed 2010 08. 27. http://e-stat.kfda.go.kr/ 

  4. Kim YH. (2009) A survey of sanitation management on the manufacturing and distribution steps associated with, and assessment of microbiological safety of school foodservice food. Doctors degree thesis, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea 

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  7. Park KH. (2007) Development of generic HACCP model for ready-to-eat foods. The final report of Korean Food and Drug Administration Research Project 

  8. Ryu K. (2006) Development of guidelines for food material safety management in institutional foodservice operations. The final report of Korean Food and Drug Administration Research Project 

  9. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. (2007) School Meals Act 

  10. Kim,YH, Ryu K, Lee YK. (2009) Microbiological safety during delivering of food ingredients supplied to elementary school food services in Daegu and Gyeongbuk provinces-seafood, meat and frozen processing food-. Korean J. Food Preserv., 2, 276-285 

  11. Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries & Ministry of Health and Welfare. (2007) Enforcement Decree of the Food Sanitation Act 

  12. Lee KM, Ryu K. (2007) Field assessment of sanitation management for school foodservices suppliers in the seoul area. Korean J. Food Cookery Sci., 5, 650-663 

  13. Yang HS, Han EH, Sohn HS, Rho JO. (2006) A study on the sanitary education program at school foodservice operations in Jeonju. Korean J. Human Ecology, 3, 81-87 

  14. Nunnally JC. (1978) Psychometric theory. 2nd ed Megraw-hill, New York 

  15. AFFIS. (2010) (http://www.naqs.go.kr/) Accessed 2010. 8. 29 

  16. Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. (2010) Seafood traceability system (http://www.fishtrace.go.kr/) Accessed 2010. 8. 29 

  17. Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. (2010) Beef traceability (http://www.mtrace.go.kr/index.aspx) Accessed 2010. 8. 29 

  18. Ryu K. (2007) Status of supplier selection status and the practical use of purchase specifications for selfoperated school foodservices in the Seoul area. Korean J. Food Nutr., 2, 226-239 

  19. Lee JH, Goh YK, Park KH, Ryu K. (2007) Assessment of food safety management performance for school food service in the Seoul area. Korean J. Community Nutr., 3, 310-321 

  20. Park MJ, Kim SW, Lee JS. (2008) An analysis on the priority of selection of supplier for school food service materials. Korean J. Community Nutr., 4, 531-539 

  21. Lee JG. (2003) Empirical analysis of hotel foodservice purchasing practices for strategic purchasing schemes. Masters degree thesis, Yonsei University 

  22. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. (2010) School Foodservice Sanitary Management Guidebook 

  23. Lee YE, Yang IS, Cha JA, Yoo TY. (2002) The development of standard and disposition for effective job performance of school food service dietician. Korean J. Nutr., 7, 800-817 

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