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개똥쑥 약초차 제조에서 아르테미시닌의 전기화학적 측정과 차를 만드는 최적화로의 접근법
Electrochemical Determination of Artemisinin in Artemisia annua L Herbal Tea Preparation and Optimization of Tea Making Approach 원문보기

대한화학회지 = Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, v.55 no.1, 2011년, pp.57 - 62  

Debnath, Chhanda (Department of Chemistry-Biology, Universitie of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres (UQTR)) ,  Dobernig, Andrea (Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Karl-Franzens University of Graz) ,  Saha, Pijus (Department of Chemistry-Biology, Universitie of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres (UQTR)) ,  Ortner, Astrid (Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Karl-Franzens University of Graz)

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가끔 먼 지역 거주자들은 현대 의약품이나 의학 서비스에 있어서 불충분하거나 접근할 수 없다. 그들은 개똥쑥의 선택된 품종을 경작하고 차 제조의 적절한 방법에 따라 식물로부터 차나 달인즙을 만드는 것에 의해 말라리아에 대항한 치료의 관점에서 이익을 얻을 수 있다. 아르테미시닌에 대한 최대 추출 효율을 위해, 개똥쑥의 차제조의 다른 방법들은 발달된 DPP방법을 적용하여 연구되었고 이 논문에 서술되었다. 차는 시간을 다르게 하여 3가지 다른 방법으로 제조된다(굽기, 섞거나 섞지 않으면서 굽지 않기 그리고 마이크로 웨이브 오븐). 결과로부터, 아르테미시닌의 더 높은 농도(84.7%)는 15분 동안 섞으면서 굽지 않는 차 제조법에 의해 도달될 수 있다는 것을 발견했다(R.S.D. 2.34%). 아르테미시닌의 농도는 마이크로 웨이브 오븐에서 1.5분 이상 구울 때 감소한다. 최대한도의 추출(88.9%)은 증류수에서 5%에탄올과 함께 섞는 추출방법에서 가능했다(R.S.D. 2.28%).

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Sometimes inhabitants in remote areas have inadequate or no access to modern medicines or medical services. They can get benefit in term of the treatment against malaria by cultivating selected breeding of A. annua and making teas or decoctions from the plant materials following the proper way of te...


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제안 방법

  • This figure shows that there is no interfering component present in the tea extract between this measuring potential ranges which is particularly suitable for the analysis of artemisinin in tea. Artemisinin concentration in different herbal tea preparations: In this study, tea preparations of the Chinese traditional medicinal plant A. annua L in different ways in order to have the maximum extraction efficiency were investigated and the concentration of artemisinin was determined in the tea preparations by the developed DPP method. Four different methods (infusion and decoction) with different times of tea preparations were studied.
  • The polarogram was then recorded using the instrumental parameters described above. The data were evaluated by applying the tangent method, correlating for the increase in volume. Using suitable standard solutions it is possible to determine artemisinin in the concentration range of 0.
  • 5 and methanol (7:3, v/v). The optimised DPP method for the determination of artemisinin was validated following ICH Guidelines Q2A and Q2B concerning linearity, LOQ, LOD, precision, specificity, recovery studies and robustness. After validation this method was applied to the analysis of artemisinin in the traditional herbal tea preparation.
  • 25 As our continuous effort we have applied this method to analyse artemisinin in traditional herbal tea preparation of Artemisia annua.The purpose of the present study was to investigate the different ways of tea preparations to optimize the artemisinin in the tea solution by analyzing with the developed method of differential pulse polarography. As a result the population in isolated areas will be benefited by making teas or decoctions from the plant materials using appropriate methods of tea preparation to achieve a positive outcome against malaria.


  • The content of artemisinin was determined applying the standard addition method by adding 50 µL stock solution three times (15 µg artemisinin/50 µL). The peak height was evaluated using the tangent method.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe development of a DPP method for analysis of artemisinin and validationFig.
  • After determining the blank value, 50 µL of the methanolic plant extract (mean linearity range) was added and purged with nitrogen for another 30s. The polarogram was then recorded and evaluated using the tangent method.The content of artemisinin was determined by applying the standard addition method with the addition of 3×50 µL stock solution as shown in Fig.
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참고문헌 (26)

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