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수학 학습에 대한 정의적 성취 검사 도구 개발 및 검증
Development and verification of an affective inventory in Mathematical Learning 원문보기

Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series A. The Mathematical Education, v.50 no.2, 2011년, pp.247 - 261  

이종희 (이화여자대학교) ,  김선희 (신라대학교) ,  김수진 (한국교육과정평가원) ,  김기연 (이화여자대학교) ,  김부미 (원광대학교) ,  윤수철 (성균관대학교 대학원) ,  김윤민 (이화여자대학교 대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, the researchers developed an inventory which can measure the affective achievement in mathematical learning especially targeted to Korean students. By using EFA and CFA, the six affective factors of mathematical learning such as learning directivity, self control, anxiety, interest, c...


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