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Gender difference in the association of metabolic syndrome with hs-CRP Concentration of Blood 원문보기

대한임상검사학회지 = Korean journal of clinical laboratory science, v.44 no.2, 2012년, pp.86 - 96  

Park, Se-Kwon (Department of Laboratory Medicine, Chonbuk University National Hospital)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) as one of the typical acute phase reactants is used for predictive factor of the cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. In addition, there are claims that must be included as factors of metabolic syndrome. This research examined the relationshi...


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문제 정의

  • Therefore, the relation between hs-CRP concentration in blood which is one of indexes for inflammation in human body and each risk factor of metabolic syndrome will be looked into in this study. Also, the purpose of this study lies in revealing the risk ratio of metabolic syndrome based on the level of hs-CRP risk groupsand relevant risk factors including drinking and smoking among general traits. The diagnosis criteria of AHA/NHLBI was applied for the diagnosis criteria of metabolic syndrome except abdominal obesity (Grundy et al, 2005).
  • In this study, negative correlation between hs-CRP and HDL-C was presented as well and positive correlation was presented between hs-CRP and other metabolic syndrome factors. Also, this study revealed the influence of various environmental factors of metabolic syndrome. Age, obesity, smoking, and others were presented to be principal risk factors of metabolic syndrome and hs-CRP (Sower, 2003), Among them, low HDL-C was reported with the increase in amount of smoking and the increase in risk of coronary artery disease was reported with metabolic syndrome and increase in hs-CRP concentration (Aguilar et al, 2006).
  • Especially, hs-CRP concentration in blood presents the degree of minor inflammation and more attention is paid to it as a predictive factor for the onset of cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the relation between hs-CRP concentration in blood which is one of indexes for inflammation in human body and each risk factor of metabolic syndrome will be looked into in this study. Also, the purpose of this study lies in revealing the risk ratio of metabolic syndrome based on the level of hs-CRP risk groupsand relevant risk factors including drinking and smoking among general traits.
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