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[국내논문] 치과환자의 치과위생사에 대한 의료 커뮤니케이션과 신뢰, 만족과의 관계
A study on the relationship between patient's medical communication, reliance and satisfaction to dental hygienist 원문보기

JKSDH : Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene = 한국치위생학회지, v.12 no.5, 2012년, pp.1017 - 1027  

이정화 (포항대학교 치위생과) ,  최정미 (부산과학기술대학교 치위생과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : The purpose of this study was to help form treatment relationship with patient through more effective communication by defining the relationship between dental hygienist's medical communication and outpatient's reliance satisfaction. Methods : The study researched 273 male and female pa...


참고문헌 (22)

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  13. Kim SH. Factors affecting communication between cancer patients and nurses[Master' thesis]. Deagu:The graduate school of YoungNam University;2009. 

  14. Sung MH, Choi SJ, Kang MO, Cho SH. A study on the factor to choice hospital and image of nursing services in outpatients. J Inje Med 2008;12(1):483-495. 

  15. Wie H. The mediating effect of trustworthiness in the relationship between psychiatric nurses' nonverbal communication and clients' satisfaction on the nursing services. J Korean Nurs Adm Acad Soc 2009;15(3):382-390. 

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  18. Hong Mi Na. The effect of communication styles and nonverbal communication factors on a service provider's evaluation[Docter' thesis]. Kyonggi:The graduate school of Kyonggi University;2007. 

  19. Kim MR, Rhee KC. Factors that affect consumer satisfaction with medical Services. J Consumer Stud 2004;15(3):111-131. 

  20. Cho MH. Comparative study on image of nursing service in hospital[Master' thesis]. IkSan:The graduate school of Wonkwang University;2004. 

  21. Kim CH. A study on the effect of relationship marketing implement factors on customer loyalty[Docter' thesis]. Seoul:The graduate school of Kookmin University;2002. 

  22. Im JH, Key H, Paik SK. Influence of physician's communication style and quality, and physician-patient relationship on patient satisfaction. J Korean Hosp Manage 2009;14(3):83-103. 

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