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[국내논문] 한국형 스케일링두려움 측정도구 개발(KSF-1.1)
Development of measurement scale for Korean scaling fear-1.1 원문보기

한국치위생학회지 = Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene, v.12 no.4, 2012년, pp.675 - 684  

조명숙 (대구보건대학교 치위생과) ,  이승주 (안동과학대학교 물리치료과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for Korean Scaling Fear (KSF)-1.1 in scaling patients. Methods : 402 sample size for scaling patients was studied in Daegu city in July and August of 2011. Mean and standard deviation was calculated in 3 dimensions(FWS: fear while s...


참고문헌 (33)

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