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학습부진학생 대상의 학습습관 지도 요구와 실행 정도 간 차이 분석
The Gap of the Practice and the Needs for Improving Underachievers' Study Habits 원문보기

水産海洋敎育硏究 = Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education, v.26 no.4 = no.70, 2014년, pp.877 - 893  

강경숙 (원광대학교) ,  함승연 (한국교육과정평가원) ,  노정은 (고려대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this research is to study the implementation of instructional practices and the needs for improving study habits of underachievers, as a preliminary research to develop improving program for underachievers' study habits. Firstly, past researches on the subject were analyzed to find ou...



핵심어 질문 논문에서 추출한 답변
기초학력보장 정책의 결과 기초학력미달 비율이 어떤 추세를 보이는가? 정부는 최근 초·중등학교 교육의 중점 정책으로 기초학력보장 정책을 내세워 뒤처지는 학생이 없도록 하는 데 주력해 왔다. 그 결과 2008년 7.2%에 해당하던 기초학력미달 비율이 2012년에는 2.6%까지 낮아졌다(Ministry of Education, 2013). 이는 초․중․고 모든 학교 급에서 기초학력 미달 비율이 지속적으로 감소하는 추세를 보여왔음을 의미한다.
Park, Kyung-Sook & Lee, Hye-Sun(1976)에 따르면 학습습관의 하위요소는 무엇인가? 그러나 학습습관의 세부 영역에 대해서는 학자들마다 논의를 달리하여 왔다. 국내 학습습관 실험 연구에서 학습습관 검사 시 많이 인용되고 있는 Park, Kyung-Sook & Lee, Hye-Sun(1976)에서는 학습습관이 주의집중행동, 학습기술적용행동, 자율학습행동의 3개의 하위 영역으로 구성된다고 하였다. 그러나 우리나라에서 처음으로 학습습관 검사에 관한 연구를 시도한 Kim, Ki-Suk(1968)은 학습습관이 동기요인, 기술요인, 기타요인으로 이루어져 있다고 하였다.
학습습관은 무엇인가? 학업성취에 영향을 미치는 학습습관을 지도하기 위해서는 먼저 학습습관이 무엇인지 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 학습습관은 학습할 때 취하는 일관된 행동양식으로 학습행위에 대한 동기, 태도, 기술 등을 포함하는 개념이다. 그러나 학습습관의 세부 영역에 대해서는 학자들마다 논의를 달리하여 왔다.
질의응답 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (23)

  1. Cho, Jae-Seung(2003). The Effect of the Study Motivation Improvement Program on Study Habits of Low Achieving Students. Master's Thesis. Graduate School of Education YoSoo University. 

  2. Hwang, Woo-Hyung & Lee, You-Na(2009). Relationship Between Perfectionistic Tendencies and Math Subject of Gifted Students and Typical Students. Collection of Math Education Research. 23(1), 1-38. 

  3. Kang, Hye-Sook(2007). The Effect of the Classroom Participation Skill Improvement Group Counselling Program on Primary Students' Study Habit and Academic Achievement in an Elementary School. Master's Thesis, Graduate School of Korea National University of Education. 

  4. Kang, Seung-Hee(2012). Analysis of Self-Efficacy, Self-Directed Learning, School Life Adjustment, and Academic Achievement of Middle School Students. Studies on Education of Fisheries and Marine Science, 24(6), 935-949. 

  5. Kang, Youn-Cheen, & Lee, Chung-Hwa(2014). The Effect of Child's Ego-Resilience, Mother's Parental Behavior, and Family Strength on School Life Adjustment. Studies on Education of Fisheries and Marine Science, 26(1), 59-71. 

  6. Kim, D. H., Lee, S. S., Hong, C. N., Hwang, S. Y., Lee, Y. N., & Kim, H. N.(2013). Stories of Teacher's Burdensome Administrative Responsibilities, Studies on Education of Fisheries and Marine Science, 25(6), 1440-1458. 

  7. Kim, Ki-Suk(1968). The Study Habit Test: The Explanation and Application Guidelines. Seoul. Korea Testing Center. 

  8. Kim, S. J., Lee, J. Y., & Lee, E. J.(2010). The Effect of Study Skill Improvement Program and Additional Instructional Time on Low Achieving Students' Study Habit and Self-Directed Study Ability Improvement. Korean Journal of School Psychology, 7(2), 151-170. 

  9. Kim, You-Mee & Park, Jung-Hee(2006). The Effect of the Study Skill Improvement Program on Elementary School Students' Study Habit and Academic Achievement. Study of Elementary Education. 13(1), 1-23. 

  10. Kim, Young-Che(1989). Analysis of Study Motivation and Study Habit. Keimyung University, Journal of University Life. 7, 161-188. 

  11. Lee, Ha-Sun(2007). The Effect of the Self-Management Skill Improvement Group Counselling Program on Self-Directed Study Ability and Study Habits of Low Achieving Students in Elementary School. Master's Thesis, Graduate School of Korea National University of Education. 

  12. Ministry of Education(2013). 2013 Program Plans for Advancing Students' Basic Academic Skills. 

  13. Moon, Jung-Hwa & Kim, Sun-Hee(2010). Comparison Study of Study Habit and Test Anxiety Between Gifted Students and Typical Students. Journal of Education for Gifted. 20(3), 831-846. 

  14. Nam, Mee-Ye(1990). Family Environment and Personal Character of High Achieving and Low Achieving Students. Master's Thesis, Graduate School Of Education, Yonsei University. 

  15. Oh, Eun-Soon. et. al.(2013). Research on Developing the Study Habit Improvement Program and Use of the Standardization Test Results. Korea Institution of Curriculum, CRI 2013-11. 

  16. Park, Kyung-Sook, & Lee, Hye-Sun(1976). Study of Self-Concept Toward Academics, Behavior, and Study Habit Test. Korea Education. 3(1), 89-90. 

  17. Park, Dong-Hyuk(2001). The Effect of Study Habit Improvement Program on Academic Achievement and Mental Health. Master's Thesis, Graduate School of Ajou University. 

  18. Park, In-Joo, & Park, Nam-Soo(2006). The Effect of Study Skill Excercise on Low Achieving Students' Study Habit and Self-Directed Study Ability. Journal of Special Education; Theory and Practice. 7(2), 89-106. 

  19. Park, Jee-Young(2002). The Effect of the Study Habit Program on Study Skills, Academic Achievement, and Adaptation. Master's Thesis, Graduate School of Ajou University. 

  20. Adediwura, A. A.(2012). Effect of Peer and Self- Assessment on Male and Female Student's Self-Efficacy and Self-Automomy in the Learning of Mathematics. Gender & Behaviour, 10(1), 492-508. 

  21. Brown, W. F. & Holtzman, W. H.(1967). Manual for the survey habits and attitudes, New York: Psychological Co. 

  22. Fakeye, D. O. & Amao, T. A.(2013). Classroom Participation and Study Habit as Predictors of Achievement in Literature-in-English. Cross-Cultural Communication, 9(3), 18-25. 

  23. Kirschenbaum, D. S. & Perri, M. G.(1983). Improving academic competence in adults; A review. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29, 76-94. 

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