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[국내논문] Bayesian Pattern Mixture Model for Longitudinal Binary Data with Nonignorable Missingness 원문보기

Communications for statistical applications and methods = 한국통계학회논문집, v.22 no.6, 2015년, pp.589 - 598  

Kyoung, Yujung (Department of Statistics, Sungkyunkwan University) ,  Lee, Keunbaik (Department of Statistics, Sungkyunkwan University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In longitudinal studies missing data are common and require a complicated analysis. There are two popular modeling frameworks, pattern mixture model (PMM) and selection models (SM) to analyze the missing data. We focus on the PMM and we also propose Bayesian pattern mixture models using generalized ...


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  • This paper also develops Bayesian pattern mixture models using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) for longitudinal binary data. We also use sensitivity analyses under the MNAR assumption.
  • The analysis of metabolic syndrome data indicated that most of participants dropped out after the second visit. We fit two presented models using Bayesian methodology. Both identifiable and nonidentifiable parameters are estimated and sensitivity analysis uses series of point mass priors, starting with MAR and the number of sensitivity parameters are reduced based on assumption.
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참고문헌 (20)

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