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오령산 정제 개발 및 항염증 효과
Effect of Anti-inflammation on Oryeong-san Formulation for Mix Extract Tablet 원문보기

동의생리병리학회지 = Journal of physiology & pathology in Korean Medicine, v.34 no.6, 2020년, pp.348 - 354  

김세진 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀) ,  임현희 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀) ,  남원희 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀) ,  손수미 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀) ,  최혜민 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀) ,  김명진 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀) ,  김정옥 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀) ,  이화동 (한국한의약진흥원 한의기술 R&D 2팀)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Oryeong-san (ORS) is a traditional Korean herbal medicine widely used for renal associated diseases, composed of five medicine herbs; Atractylodes japonica Koidzumi, Cinnamomum cassia Presl, Polyporus umbellatus Fries, Poria cocos Wolf and Alisma orientale Juzepzuk. We studied to improve the conveni...


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문제 정의

  • 오령산의 5가지 구성 약재인 택사, 저령, 복령, 육계 및 백출 모두 체내 수분을 조절하여 부종을 제거한다고 알려져 있다.18) 본 연구에서는 오령산 정제의 제조를 통해 주요성분과 활성을 확인하고자 하였다. 정제의 제조를 위해 겉보기밀도, 탭 밀도 등으로 혼합물의 우수한 흐름성을 판단하고 제조된 정제의 경도, 마손도, 붕해도 등을 확인을 통하여 물성평가를 진행하였다.
  • 논란이 빈번하게 제기되어 왔다. 이에 오령산을 기존의 탕액보다 보관 및 복용 편의성이 높은 현대적인 제형인 정제로 개발하였으며, 오령산 정제의 주요성분 및 활성을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 통해서 얻어진 오령산의 주요성분에 대한 동시분석법과 활성평가 결과는 한약제제에 대한 제형개발과 표준화 연구를 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (25)

  1. Park J, Lim EK. Research about application of Shanghanlun disease pattern identification diagnostic system to 2 cases treated by Oreong-san. J of KMediACS. 2018;10:81-94. 

  2. Oh YC, Jeong YH, Ha JH, Cho WK, Ma JY. Oryeongsan inibits LPS-induced production of inflammatory mediators via blockade of the NF-kappaB, MAPK pathways and eads to HO-1 induction in macrophage cells. BMC complement Altern Med. 2014;14:242-53. 

  3. Jeon WY, Lee MY, Shin IS, Lim HS, Shin HK. Protective effects of the traditional herbal formula Oryeongsan water extract on ethanol-induced acute gastric mucosal injury in rats. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012:2012:438191. 

  4. Park JK. A case report of primary insomnia treated by Oryeong-san decoction. J of KMediACS. 2015;7:45-52. 

  5. Heo J. A case report of dysmenorrhea treated by Oryeong-san based on Shanghanlun provisions. J of KMediACS. 2014;6:63-70. 

  6. Kim JH, Shin HK. Analysis of biological experiment on Oryeong-san (Wuling-san). Korean J. Orient. Int. Med. 2012;33:69-82. 

  7. Baek KY, Kim SJ, Kim JB, Lee JH, Moon SO, Lee HD. Comparison of marker componenets and bioloical acivities of socheongryong-tang by different exract methods. Kor. J. Pharmacogn. 2018;49:349-61. 

  8. Choi SM, Kim BW. Theoretical chemical reaction for herb medicine. J. Kor. Pharmacopuncture instit. 2002;5:116-19. 

  9. Son S. M. (2007) Demand and preference for the modification of dosage forms of oriental herbal medicines by 20s-30s younger consumers. M.S Thesis. Chung-Ang Univ; 2007. 

  10. Park SJ, Kim SH, Kim KS, Kim HS, Lee AY, Kim HK, Kim YK. A quantitative analysis of marker compounds in single herb extracts by the standard of KHP. Kor. J. Herbology. 2014;29:35-42. 

  11. Choi SI, Ahn EJ, Lee MY. Research trend for the formulation of traditional chinese medicine. Kor. Herb. Med. Inf. 2016;4:11-9. 

  12. Kim SJ, Lee JB, Choi HM, Lee HY, Kim MJ, Lee MH, Kim JO, Lee HD. Evaluation on Pharmacological effects and component analysis of hwanggeumjakyak-tang formulation for tablet. Kor. J. Pharmacogn. 2018;49:362-71. 

  13. Jee EH, Kim HJ, Jeong SH, Moon JH, Jang YP. Assessment of quality variance among commercial Hwang-Ryun-Hae-Dok-Tang by simultaneous analysis of characterizing copounds. Kor. J. Pharmacogn. 2010;41:161-5. 

  14. Kim Y, Kim OS, Seo CS, Shin HK. Comparison of the ingredient quantities and biological activities of Hwangryunhaedok-tang (Hwanglianjiedu-tang) decoction and commercial extractive granules. Kor. J. Pharmacogn. 2013;44:22-9. 

  15. Kim OS, Seo CS, Kim Y, Shin HK. Comparative study on chemical composition and biological activities of Samchulkunbi-tang decoction and commercial herbal medicine. Formula Science. 2012;20:1-11. 

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  19. Choi SB, Bae GS. Jo IJ, Park KC, Seo SH, Kim DG, Shin JY, Gwak TS, Lee JH, Lee GS, Park SJ, Song HS. The anti-inflammatory effect of Lithospermum Erythrorhizon on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in RAW 264.7 cells. Kor. J. Herbology. 2013;28:67-73. 

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  22. Kim MS, Jeong JS, Lee HY, Ju YS, Bae GS, Seo SW, Cho IJ, Park SJ, Song HJ. The anti-inflammatory effect of Achyranthes japonica on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory activity in murine macrophages. Kor. J. Herbology. 2011;26:51-7. 

  23. Jung YS, Eun CS, Jung YT, Kim HJ, YU MH. Anti-Inflammatory Efects of Picrasma Quasioides (D.DON) BENN Leaves Extrac. Journal of Life Science. 2013;23:629-36. 

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