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식품위해성균, 피부사상균 및 식물성 병원균에 대한 산초유의 항균 활성 및 항산화 활성
Antimicrobial Activity against Food-hazardous Microorganisms, Dermatophytes, and Pytopathogens and Antioxidative Activity of Sancho Oil 원문보기

韓國藥用作物學會誌 = Korean journal of medicinal crop science, v.28 no.1, 2020년, pp.38 - 46  

김학곤 (경상남도 산림환경연구원) ,  강승미 (경상남도 산림환경연구원) ,  용성현 (경상대학교 환경산림과학부) ,  설유원 (경상대학교 환경산림과학부) ,  최은지 (경상대학교 환경산림과학부) ,  박준호 (경상남도 산림환경연구원) ,  유찬열 (경상남도 산림환경연구원) ,  (경상대학교 환경산림과학부) ,  최명석 (경상대학교 환경산림과학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: Although Sancho (Zanthoxylum schinifolium Siebold & Zucc) oil has traditionally been used for its antibiotics properties, there is currently a lack of scientific evidence regarding its biological activities. In this study, we investigated the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of S...


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대상 데이터

  • The Sancho (Zanthoxylum schinifolium Siebold & Zucc) oil used for the antimicrobial test according to acidity was collected from Hadong J. Farm (Hadong, Korea) on November 25, 2012, and Sancho oil stored for 1 year was used high acidity Sancho oil (HA1), low acidity Sancho oil (LA1) was harvested in November 2013 and examined for its antibacterial activity.
  • The microorganisms used in this study were 11 foodhazardous microorganisms, 6 dermatophytes, and 9 plant pathogens (Table 1). Microbial strains were purchased from KCTC (Korean Collection for Type Cultures, Jeongup, Korea), KCCM (Korean Culture Center of Microorganisms, Seoul, Korea) and KACC (Korean Agricultural Culture Collection, Wanju, Korea).


  • All experiments were performed 3 times. Data are presented as means and standard deviation and analyzed by One-way ANOVA using the IBM SPSS statistical package (Ver. 24, IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). Means were compared at 5% significance level using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) comparison (p < 0.


  • Antimicrobial activity assay was determined by the disk agar plate diffusion method. Each test strain was incubated in the Tiyptic soy (TS) agar liquid medium for 24 hours, and the plate medium was prepared by coagulating 20 ㎖ of 1.
  • More methods have been tried to monitor the growth rate of fungi, and the measurement of the hyphae dry weight or increased colony diameter obtained in liquid culture. In this study, the antifungal activity of Sancho oil was assayed using the agar plate-dry weight method. The agar plate-dry weight method is considered a very good method as a tool for assessing mycelial growth of vegetable oil etc.
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참고문헌 (28)

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