Kim, Jongsun
(Dept. of Fashion Design, Graduate School, Hongik University)
Choi, Dongsoo
(School of Computer Science, Semyung University)
Kim, Sangyoun
(Interaction Laboratory of Advanced Technology Research Center, Korea University of Technology and Education)
Ha, Jisoo
(Research Institution of Human Ecology)
The goal of this study was to develop a haptic communication system that can convey the tactile sensation of fashion materials in a virtual environment. In addition, the effectiveness and how realistically the virtual fabric image of this system delivers the tactile sensation of actual fabric was ve...
The goal of this study was to develop a haptic communication system that can convey the tactile sensation of fashion materials in a virtual environment. In addition, the effectiveness and how realistically the virtual fabric image of this system delivers the tactile sensation of actual fabric was verified. First, a literature review was conducted through which the tactile attributes of fashion materials were defined that would be implemented in the haptic communication system. Then, a questionnaire for evaluating the tactile attributes of fashion materials was developed. Next, a haptic communication system was designed to convey fashion image experiences in a virtual environment, from which a haptic rendering model was suggested. The effectiveness of the haptic communication system was evaluated by verifying user experiences with questions developed through a user evaluation experiment. The validity of the evaluation questions pertaining to the tactile attributes and the effects of the haptic communication system were verified. Factor analysis was conducted to verify the evaluation of the tactile sense attributes of the fashion material, which identified density, thickness, and elasticity of the material as key factors. As a result of comparisons between the tactile sense through haptic characteristics and through touching, it was observed that regarding density and thickness, tactile sense experience led to greater perceived reality, while this was not the case for elasticity.
The goal of this study was to develop a haptic communication system that can convey the tactile sensation of fashion materials in a virtual environment. In addition, the effectiveness and how realistically the virtual fabric image of this system delivers the tactile sensation of actual fabric was verified. First, a literature review was conducted through which the tactile attributes of fashion materials were defined that would be implemented in the haptic communication system. Then, a questionnaire for evaluating the tactile attributes of fashion materials was developed. Next, a haptic communication system was designed to convey fashion image experiences in a virtual environment, from which a haptic rendering model was suggested. The effectiveness of the haptic communication system was evaluated by verifying user experiences with questions developed through a user evaluation experiment. The validity of the evaluation questions pertaining to the tactile attributes and the effects of the haptic communication system were verified. Factor analysis was conducted to verify the evaluation of the tactile sense attributes of the fashion material, which identified density, thickness, and elasticity of the material as key factors. As a result of comparisons between the tactile sense through haptic characteristics and through touching, it was observed that regarding density and thickness, tactile sense experience led to greater perceived reality, while this was not the case for elasticity.
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문제 정의
The goal of this study is to develop a haptic communication system that can convey tactile sensations of fashion materials in a virtual environment and to verify how realistically and effectively the virtual fashion fabric image of this system delivers the tactile sensation of actual fashion fabric. To do this, the following research questions were established.
This research involved human subjects and interactions, including communication and interpersonal contact. It was reviewed by the authorized institutional review board (IRB No.
With regard to indirect fashion image experience, acquiring information on a screen has become common instead of direct product experience. Therefore, this study aimed to suggest haptic experience as a means of increasing the perceived reality of haptic sense experience through visual means. In particular, for fashion products, evaluating the haptic sense of fashion materials has an important effect on product evaluations and purchases.
This study has significance in that it is the first to design and develop a haptic communication system to provide users with haptic experience by delivering realistic fashion material images and attaining important results. It also collected data for follow-up studies through validation via a user evaluation model.
제안 방법
Second, the haptic communication system was designed, and third, the haptic communication system was verified. The three research questions in this study were verified by evaluating the differences between fashion images experienced in a virtual environment and those of actual fashion materials as experienced through a haptic communication system for fashion images. The haptic communication system for the fashion image experience refers to the configuration with which to interact with visual and haptic components through fashion images.
To visualize and hapticize the fashion image in rendering modules, the Open GL library (3D graphics library) and the Chai3D library (haptic library) were used. The experiment is conducted with a Geomagic Touch device, which provides three DOFs of force feedback and precisely senses six DOFs of positions (with a resolution of .055 mm). We simulated the virtual fashion images at a haptic update rate of 1000Hz and at a graphic update rate of 60Hz in order to obtain robust and continuous graphic and haptic information.
A user study was conducted to evaluate the ability of the studied haptic effect to simulate fabrics, included user evaluation of the proposed haptic communication system. The experiment aimed to compare differences during the haptic sensing of fashion materials using the haptic communication system.
These pertain to factors of the tactile sense of the fashion material to implement in the haptic communication system, and the 15 participants were requested to evaluate each fashion material’s tactile sense of touch.
The proposed haptic communication system was evaluated through four virtual applications as shown in [Fig. 4], for comparing the differences between the transmitted feeling of the virtual fashion material through the haptic communication system and touching the actual fashion materials by hand. We constructed three virtual environments in which a user can haptically sense the density (Fig.
These pertain to factors of the tactile sense of the fashion material to implement in the haptic communication system, and the 15 participants were requested to evaluate each fashion material’s tactile sense of touch. Four factors of tactile sense of fashion materials were evaluated through grasping, rubbing, or touching a fashion material on their skin, with responses recorded on a Likert scale. Participants had to enter a score of one for the thinnest material and seven for the thickest material.
Participants had to enter a score of one for the thinnest material and seven for the thickest material. For each factor of the tactile sense, materials with the highest scores were chosen, and pairs of fabrics with the highest and the lowest density, thickness, elasticity and flexibility scores were selected. Finally, six types of samples include those overlapping for each element were determined as well designed for the participants to experience the tactile elements of fashion materials through a haptic communication system.
The Korea Apparel Testing and Research Institute and the Seoul National University Research Institute of Advanced Materials were asked to measure the fiber and structure blending percentages, the density, the thickness, the extension recovery rate, the tensile strength, and the flexural strength of each material sample used in the evaluation, as indicated in [Table 2]. The study aimed to obtain objective physical data pertaining to general textile properties, including the fiber and structure blending percentages and the density and the thickness of the material samples for evaluations by KATRI. At SNURIAM, measurements were taken of the tensile strength and flexural strength, which will allow comparisons of the mechanical characteristics of the flexibility and elasticity by the Kawabata system.
The study aimed to obtain objective physical data pertaining to general textile properties, including the fiber and structure blending percentages and the density and the thickness of the material samples for evaluations by KATRI. At SNURIAM, measurements were taken of the tensile strength and flexural strength, which will allow comparisons of the mechanical characteristics of the flexibility and elasticity by the Kawabata system. LT, pertaining to the tensile strength, means linear tensile and is the tensile degree of a material.
1810/003-019) and approved in terms of its ethical and scientific validity and on the measures of the privacy of the participants. The research participants were also given a manual, and agreement was obtained from them before the experiment, and the research aims and procedures were explained.
Participants were provided with the opportunity to learn and practice as much as they wanted before the experiment. The experiment was conducted on a one-on-one basis for about one hour over five days from the 22nd to the 26th of October of 2018 at a soundproof and restricted laboratory.
An experiment was conducted to compare tactile sense experiences with an actual fashion material and that from a haptic device. The experiment was composed of two steps.
The experiment was composed of two steps. First, the participants were asked to experience an actual fashion material by hand motions, including grasping, pulling or stretching, and to evaluate the degree of the density, thickness, elasticity and flexibility they felt on a seven-point Likert scale. Participants sat on a chair in front of a monitor and operated Phantom Omni, a haptic delivery device while staring at the monitor.
Participants sat on a chair in front of a monitor and operated Phantom Omni, a haptic delivery device while staring at the monitor. When the researcher changed the screen in the order of the experiment, the participants experienced fashion materials on the monitor using the haptic device and evaluated the degree of the density, thickness, elasticity and flexibility they felt on a seven-point Likert scale. [Fig.
Regarding the items for evaluating the tactile sense attributes of the fashion materials, the three factors of the density, thickness, and elasticity were extracted. Eigenvalues of three factors were 1.
The early stage of the research was designed to compare the physical and haptic data of a fashion material sample. In the user evaluation, when the participants experienced fashion materials by haptic communication, the degree of the density, thickness and elasticity of each sample they felt was evaluated on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 7.
In the user evaluation, when the participants experienced fashion materials by haptic communication, the degree of the density, thickness and elasticity of each sample they felt was evaluated on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 7. By comparing the data acquired above with the data from the actual physical properties of the fashion material samples, this study attempted to find a value corresponding to haptic data. For this reason, repeated measures of the regression analysis had to be conducted.
However, there is no such scale to deliver the tactile senses of fashion materials in earlier works. Therefore, the experimental design was revised to evaluate the homogeneity of tactile sensing by the haptic communication and by hand. It was found that for the density and thickness, the tactile sense of an actual fashion material is delivered by haptic communication similarly to touch by hand.
The study set haptic sense factors of fashion materials which can be experienced through haptic communication, in this case the density, thickness, elasticity and flexibility, and selected six types of actual fashion materials on which to conduct research. It realized the haptic communication system, which allows one to experience the density, thickness, elasticity and flexibility, using a Phantom Omni, which delivered force feedback and converted the tactile sense data of the six materials to haptic data by adjusting the parameter values of the damping, stiffness and mass.
Data for the tactile sensing of the fashion materials designed for the experiment were inputted with adjustments of the parameter values of the damping, stiffness and mass. There were no references for the parameter values of the damping, stiffness and mass to express the fashion materials.
The study set haptic sense factors of fashion materials which can be experienced through haptic communication, in this case the density, thickness, elasticity and flexibility, and selected six types of actual fashion materials on which to conduct research. It realized the haptic communication system, which allows one to experience the density, thickness, elasticity and flexibility, using a Phantom Omni, which delivered force feedback and converted the tactile sense data of the six materials to haptic data by adjusting the parameter values of the damping, stiffness and mass.
Accordingly, follow-up studies are needed to examine the physical factors of materials corresponding to elasticity and flexibility and to apply them to the haptic communication system. Further research can also improve how the model of haptic communication delivers elasticity and flexibility by designing an asymmetric mass-spring-damper model capable of representing the weaving. In addition, this study is a preliminary study examining the possibility of developing a haptic communication system for fashion image experience involving the design and evaluation of a haptic communication system.
대상 데이터
The computed feedback force is conveyed to the user via the haptic device and the computed deformation is realized on the visual interface device through graphic rendering. To visualize and hapticize the fashion image in rendering modules, the Open GL library (3D graphics library) and the Chai3D library (haptic library) were used. The experiment is conducted with a Geomagic Touch device, which provides three DOFs of force feedback and precisely senses six DOFs of positions (with a resolution of .
This experiment involved adult male and female graduate students majoring in fashion in their 20s-30s who are living in Korea. To verify the differences between tactile sensing by hand and by haptics, graduate students majoring in fashion with a high understanding of fashion materials and images were assumed to be adequate, and 5 males and 15 females were selected.
This experiment involved adult male and female graduate students majoring in fashion in their 20s-30s who are living in Korea. To verify the differences between tactile sensing by hand and by haptics, graduate students majoring in fashion with a high understanding of fashion materials and images were assumed to be adequate, and 5 males and 15 females were selected. Before participating in the experiment, they had neither information about the experiment nor experience with haptic devices.
A paired t-test was conducted to verify the homogeneity between the tactile senses of the fashion materials when experienced by hand and by haptic communication. Null hypothesis H0, “Tactile sense by hand and by haptic communication is identical,” was established and the results of the paired t-test are as follows at a significance level of 5%.
In particular, the flexibility factor was not distinguished clearly from the elasticity factor during the tactile sensing evaluation and was therefore grouped into a single factor which was termed elasticity. When the three factors of the density, thickness and elasticity were set, item content by factor, the number of items by factor, and the factor loading showed the greatest stability. Accordingly, as a result of the final factor analysis after omitting the flexibility factor, the factor loading was in the range of .
This study has significance as leading research in this field given the design and implementation of a haptic communication system for fashion images, and it is meaningful because the factor of controlling haptic rendering, which can transform the tactile elements of fashion materials, was confirmed. However, a specific calculation formula and scale should be developed through subsequent research.
The results are expected to provide suggestions for researcher to develop interactive content using the haptic technology, which can increase immersion in various fields, including medicine, education, entertainment and the arts, as well as fashion goods. The results here are also expected to provide ideas about how multisensory information can be communicated to users through fashion images.
In addition, a difference between the theoretical understanding of the concept of the characteristics of fashion materials and the sensational perception through touching was expected. Therefore, further in-depth research in the field of basic haptics focusing on perceptual haptics and tactile haptics is required. Accordingly, follow-up studies are needed to examine the physical factors of materials corresponding to elasticity and flexibility and to apply them to the haptic communication system.
Further research can also improve how the model of haptic communication delivers elasticity and flexibility by designing an asymmetric mass-spring-damper model capable of representing the weaving. In addition, this study is a preliminary study examining the possibility of developing a haptic communication system for fashion image experience involving the design and evaluation of a haptic communication system. Therefore, because the data obtained from 20 participants here may be limited given the lack of deep research, it should be supplemented through further studies.
In addition, this study is a preliminary study examining the possibility of developing a haptic communication system for fashion image experience involving the design and evaluation of a haptic communication system. Therefore, because the data obtained from 20 participants here may be limited given the lack of deep research, it should be supplemented through further studies.
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