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축산식품과 고령친화식품
Animal Resources and Aging-friendly Foods 원문보기

축산식품과학과 산업, v.10 no.2, 2021년, pp.2 - 10  

주나미 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Han HJ. 2015. Two side dishes for each meal, less than 10 nuts a day. Health Chosun. https://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2015/12/22/2015122201888.html?formMY01SV&OCIDMY01SV 

  2. International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative. 2019. The IDDSI framework. https://iddsi.org/framework 

  3. Jang HH, Lee SJ. 2017. Preferences of commercial elderly friendly foods among elderly people at senior welfare centers in Seoul. J East Asian Soc Diet Life 27(2): 124-136. 

  4. Jeon AR. 2021. Important to eat animal protein to keep bone healthy. Baby News. https://www.ibabynews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno93944 

  5. Kim BK, Chun YG, Lee SH, Park DJ. 2015. Emerging technology and institution of foods for the elderly. Food Sci Ind 48(3): 28-36. 

  6. Kim SC. 2020. Why is protein intake important for the elderly? Korea Pharmaceutical Association News. https://www.kpanews.co.kr/article/show.asp?idx217131&categoryH 

  7. Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation. 2020. Current status of processed food segmentation market - age-friendly food. KAFFTC 1-122. 

  8. Korea Health Industry Development Institute. 2011. A study of an investigation on the senior friendly industry. Korea Health Industry Development Institute. https://www.khidi.or.kr/board/view?linkId126052&menuIdMENU00316 

  9. Kweon SH, Oh KW. 2019. Food sources of nutrient intake in Korea national health and nutrition examination survey. KCDC 12(32): 1132-1140. 

  10. Lee HN, Moon SA. 2021. Two out of three elderly people in Korea lack protein intake. Health Chosun. https://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2021/07/21/2021072101452.html 

  11. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 2017. Preparing of elderly-friendly foods Korean industrial standards. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. https://www.mafra.go.kr/mafra/293/subview 

  12. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. 2018. Revision of a part of food standards. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. https://impfood.mfds.go.kr/CFBDD02F02?active00049&cntntsSn287859&cntntsMngId100049&cntntsMngId200049 

  13. Statistics Korea. 2021a. 2020 Population and housing census. Statistics Korea. https://kostat.go.kr/portal/korea/kor_nw/1/2/2/index.board?bmoderead&aSeq391020&pageNo&rowNum10&amSeq&sTarget&sTxt 

  14. Statistics Korea. 2021b. National nutrition status. Statistics Korea. https://www.index.go.kr/potal/main/EachDtlPageDetail.do?idx_cd2765 

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