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[국내논문] 갯벌 생태계 모니터링을 위한 딥러닝 기반의 영상 분석 기술 연구 - 신두리 갯벌 달랑게 모니터링을 중심으로 -
Image analysis technology with deep learning for monitoring the tidal flat ecosystem -Focused on monitoring the Ocypode stimpsoni Ortmann, 1897 in the Sindu-ri tidal flat - 원문보기

環境復元綠化 = Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology, v.24 no.6, 2021년, pp.89 - 96  

김동우 (한국환경연구원) ,  이상혁 (한국환경연구원) ,  유재진 (한국환경연구원) ,  손승우 (한국환경연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, a deep-learning image analysis model was established and validated for AI-based monitoring of the tidal flat ecosystem for marine protected creatures Ocypode stimpsoni and their habitat. The data in the study was constructed using an unmanned aerial vehicle, and the U-net model was ap...


표/그림 (6)

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Bum Jun Kim, Yoon Kyung Lee, Jong Kuk Choi. 2015. Investigating Applicability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to the Tidal Flat Zone. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(5): 461-471. 

  2. Deuk Jae Hwang, Bum-jun Kim, Jong-kuk Choi, Joo Hyung Ryu. 2020. Precise Topographic Change Study Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing at Gomso Bay Tidal Flat. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing. 36(2): 263-275. 

  3. Dongwoo Kim, Jae Jin Yu, Jeong Ho Yoon, Seung Woo Son. 2019. Analysis of Urban Surface Temperature Change during Heat Wave Using UAV Thermal Infrared Camera. Journal of the Association of Korean Geographers, 8(1): 47-60. 

  4. In-Soon SEO, Ye EUN, Kyung Hee OH. 2005. Benthic Invertebrates from Uido Island. Korean Journal of Nature Conservation. 3(4): 357-383. 

  5. Joon Kim, Yongho Song, LEE, Woo-Kyun. 2021. Accuracy analysis of Multi-series Phenological Landcover Classification Using U-Net-based Deep Learning Model - Focusing on the Seoul, Republic of Korea -. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(3): 409-418. 

  6. Jun-Ho Maeng, Gwang-Woo Cho, Hoseok Kim, Haneul Park, Jae-Sang Hong, Jae-Sang Hong, Chang-Gun Lee. 2007. Improving Environmental Assessment in Tidal Flat Reclamation, Korea Environment Institute. 

  7. Lee, J., Kim, B., Noh, J., Lee, C., Kwon, I., Kwon, B. O., Khim, J. S. 2021. The first national scale evaluation of organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates of coastal sediments along the west, south, and east coasts of South Korea. Science of The Total Environment, 148568. 

  8. Lin, G., Tang, Y., Zou, X., & Wang, C. 2021. Three-dimensional reconstruction of guava fruits and branches using instance segmentation and geometry analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 184, 106107. 

  9. Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. 2005. Research on the tidal flat ecosystem and sustainable plan. 

  10. Republic of Korea Ministry of Environment National Institute of Biological Resources. 2012. Invertebrate fauna of Korea, Crabs and zoeas I, Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Thoracotremata: Grapsoidea, Ocypodoidea , 21(15). 

  11. Solovyev, R., Wang, W., & Gabruseva, T. 2021. Weighted boxes fusion: Ensembling boxes from different object detection models. Image and Vision Computing, 107, 104117. 

  12. Yang, Hyo-Sik, Oh, Kang-Ho, Koh, Yeong-Koo, Youn, Seok-Tai, Kim, Hai-Gyoung, Park, Seong-Nam. 2015. Citizen Monitoring Improvement of the Tidal Wetland Protected Area -Centered on Suncheon Bay and Boseong-Beolgyo-. The Journal of Korean Island 27(1), 50: 145-160. 

  13. Yoo, Jae-Won, Kim, Chang-Soo, Park, Mi-Ra, Jeong, Su-Young, Lee, Chae-Lin, Kim, Sungtae, Ahn, Dong-Sik, Lee, Chang-Gun, Han, Donguk, Back, Yonghae, Park, Young Cheol. 2021, Considerations and Alternative Approaches to the Estimation of Local Abundance of Legally Protected Species, the Fiddler Crab, Austruca lactea. Journal of Wetlands Research. 23(2): 122-132. 

  14. Zabota, B., Kobal, M. 2021. Accuracy Assessment of UAV-Photogrammetric-Derived Products Using PPK and GCPs in Challenging Terrains: In Search of Optimized Rockfall Mapping. Remote Sensing, 13(19): 3812. 

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