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행성의 공전 운동에 대한 초등 예비교사의 이해와 설명 모델
Pre-Service Elementary Teachers' Understanding of Planetary Revolution Movement and Their Explanatory Models 원문보기

초등과학교육 = Journal of Korean elementary science education, v.40 no.1, 2021년, pp.1 - 12  

맹승호 (서울교육대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study investigated pre-service elementary teachers' understanding of the planetary revolution movement of Mars and their explanatory models to show how the Sun-Earth-Mars system worked. An assessment item set using five celestial maps drawn from the Stellarium was designed to probe pre-service ...


표/그림 (13)

참고문헌 (12)

  1. 교육과학기술부(2011). 초등학교 과학 5-2. 서울: 금성출판사. 

  2. 교육부(2015). 초등학교 과학 5-1. 서울: 미래엔. 

  3. 교육부(2019). 초등학교 과학 5-1. 서울: 비상교육. 

  4. 맹승호, 이기영(2018). 지구의 공전과 별자리의 겉보기 운동에 대한 초등학생들의 공간적 추론 발달 경로의 사례 연구. 한국과학교육학회지, 38(4), 481-494. 

  5. 맹승호, 이기영, 박영신, 이정아, 오현석(2014). 순위 선다형 문항을 이용한 천문 시스템 학습 발달과정 개발 및 타당화 연구. 한국과학교육학회지, 34(8), 703-718. 

  6. Calderon-Canales, E., Flores-Camacho, F. & Gallegos-Cazares, L. (2013). Elementary students' mental models of the solar system. Astronomy Education Review, 12, 1-17. 

  7. Plummer, J. D. (2014). Spatial thinking as the dimension of progress in an astronomy learning progression. Studies in Science Education, 50, 1-45. 

  8. Richards, T. (2012). Using kinesthetic activities to teach Ptolemaic and Copernican retrograde motion. Science & Education, 21, 899-910. 

  9. Sharp, J. G. (1995). Children's astronomy: Implications for curriculum developments at Key Stage 1 and the future of infant science in England and Wales. Inter-national Journal of Early Years Education, 3(3), 17-49. 

  10. Sharp, J. G. (1996). Children's astronomical beliefs: A preliminary study of Year 6 children in south-west England. International Journal of Science Education, 18(6), 685-712. 

  11. Sharp, J. G. & Kuerbis, P. (2006). Children's ideas about the solar system and the chaos in learning science. Science Education, 90, 124-147. 

  12. Yu, K. C., Sahami, K. & Denn, G. (2010). Student ideas about Kepler's laws and planetary orbital motions. Astronomy Education Review, 9, 1-17. 

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