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Arbitrability of Patent Disputes in Korea: Focusing on Comparisons with U.S. legislation and case 원문보기

중재연구 = Journal of arbitration studies, v.31 no.3, 2021년, pp.69 - 89  

Kwak, Choong Mok (Law Firm Sangrock)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

General lawsuits can be chosen as a method of resolving patent disputes. However, a significant amount of time and money is wasted on litigation until the dispute is resolved. The Intellectual Property Framework Act in Korea requires the government to simplify litigation procedures and improve litig...


참고문헌 (17)

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  17. Yun, SunHee et al., "A Study on the Possibility of Patent Arbitration," Journal of Arbitration Studies. 22(1), 2012. 

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