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국내 공공도서관 온라인 북큐레이션 서비스의 내용분석
Content Analysis of Online Book Curation Services in Korean Public Libraries 원문보기

한국도서관 정보학회지 = Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, v.53 no.4, 2022년, pp.189 - 209  

이수상 (부산대학교 문헌정보학과) ,  이태석 ((주)두드림시스템) ,  주소현 (부산대학교 문헌정보학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 국내 공공도서관에서 제공하고 있는 온라인 북큐레이션 서비스와 해당 서비스에서 추천된 도서를 내용분석하여 그 특성을 파악하는 것이 목적이다. 분석대상은 23개 공공도서관에서 수집한 35가지 온라인 북큐레이션 서비스와 11,447권의 추천도서 목록이며, 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 일부 도서관들만 추천주제를 제시하고 있었고, 추천대상은 특정한 대상을 지정하지 않은 경우가 가장 많았으며, 도서의 추천주기는 월별이 가장 많았다. 대체로 추천되는 도서는 서로 중복되지 않지만, 2019~2021년에 발행된 '문학'(소설)에서는 중복이 있었다. 추천도서는 일부 발행처에서 출판한 도서의 비중이 높았으며, 2019~2021년에 발행된 도서들이 가장 많았다. KDC 6판 기준으로 분석한 주제분야는 '문학'이 가장 많았다. ISBN 부가기호 기준으로 분석한 독자대상은 '교양', '아동' 도서 순으로 나타났고, 발행형태는 '단행본'과 '그림책, 만화' 순으로 나타났다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 공공도서관을 위한 온라인 북큐레이션 서비스 지침을 개발하고 플랫폼을 구축하여 도서관들이 공유하는 것을 제안하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study is to analyze the content of the online book curation services and recommended books list by public libraries in Korea and to identify their properties. The case for analysis is a list of 11,447 recommended books provided by 35 online book curation services collected from 2...


참고문헌 (19)

  1. Ahn, Chang-Ho (2016). A Study on the Recognition of Librarian's Competencies for Public?Library Curation Service. Master's thesis, The Graduate School of Kyonggi University?of Department of Library and Information Science. 

  2. Beak, Ji-Won (2018). Functions and characteristics of public library theme collection:?focusing on the user-centered classification perspective. Journal of the Korean Society?for Library and Information Science, 52(4), 51-69. 

  3. Baek, Ji-Won & Pyo, Soon-Hee (2020). Study on users' perception of the effectiveness?of theme collections in public libraries. Journal of the Korean Society for Library?and Information Science, 54(3), 115-139. 

  4. Chung, Yoo-Ra & Lee, Jee-Yeon (2017). A study on public library users' perceptions?and behavior changes after using the theme display service. Journal of the Korean?Society for Information Management, 34(2), 27-45. 

  5. Kim, Mi-Jung & Kim, Jung-Myoung (2020). A study of the concepts and utilization?types of book curation. Studies of Korean Science, 46(2), 59-83. 

  6. Kim, Mi-Jung, Lee, Byeong-Ki, & Lim, Jeong-Hoon (2020). Analysis of priorities for?the provision of book curation service by teacher librarian using AHP. Journal of?Korean Library and Information Science Society, 51(3), 303-323. 

  7. Kim, Mina (2022). A Study on the Types of Book Recommendation Services in the Library.?Master's thesis, The Graduate School of Pusan National University of Department?of Library and Information Science. 

  8. Kim, Young-Seok, Park, Yeon-Sik, & Lee, Young-Joo (2018). Book Curation, Talk with a?book. A series of Gyeonggi-do library 21. Suwon: Gyeonggi-do Cyber Library. Available:?https://memory.library.kr/files/original/94c59270557d4873e9cf9e3d71b19854.pdf 

  9. Korean Publishers Association (2021). 2021 Publishing Market Statistics. Available:?http://kpa21.or.kr/kpa-data/statistics/ 

  10. Kwak, Woo-Jung & Noh, Young-Hee (2019). A study on the development of curation?services of specialized library. Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and?Information Science, 30(1), 53-75. 

  11. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. National Library Statistics System. Available:?https://www.libsta.go.kr/ 

  12. National Library of Korea (2018). Korean ISBN and ISSN Manual. the seventh edition.?Available: https://www.nl.go.kr/seoji/contents/S20101030000.do 

  13. National Library of Korea ISBN.ISSN.Legal Deposit System. Available:?https://www.nl.go.kr/seoji/ 

  14. Park, Yang-Ha (2016). A study on the book recommendation standards of book-curation?service for school library. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society,?47(1), 279-303. 

  15. Pyo, Soon-Hee & Baek, Ji-Won (2019). A study on the construction and operation of?theme collections through book curation: in-depth interview with public librarian.?Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 53(4), 189-211. 

  16. W. M. Tharanga Dilruk Ranasinghe & Chung, Jun-Min (2019). Understanding the curation?service in libraries is it a revolution or an evolution of reference service. Journal?of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 50(2), 215-235. 

  17. Long, S. P. (1987). The effect of face-front book display in a public library. North Carolina?Libraries, 45(3), 150-153. 

  18. Mitchum, D. C. & Roy, L (2010). An inventory of library display themes: 1933-1992.?Collection Management, 18, 1-2, 129-134. DOI: 10.1300/J105v18n01_11. 

  19. Heikkinen, H. K., Kytokangas, T., Taru, H. T., & Timo, O. (2018, October). UbiLibrary:?Situated Large Public Display as Interactive Interface to Library Services. Mindtrek '18:?Proceedings of the 22nd International Academic Mindtrek Conference 2018. 192-201.?https://doi.org/10.1145/3275116.3275143. 

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