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남자간호대학생의 생활스트레스와 대학생활 적응간의 관계-그릿의 매개효과
A Mediated Effect of Grit on Relationship between Life Stress and Adaptations to College Life among Male Nursing Students 원문보기

융합정보논문지 = Journal of Convergence for Information Technology, v.12 no.4, 2022년, pp.14 - 22  

오금숙 (충북보건과학대학교 간호학과) ,  백민자 (신성대학교 간호학과) ,  장효열 (전북과학대학교 간호학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구는 간호남학생의 생활스트레스, 그릿, 대학생활적응 정도를 파악하고, 그릿의 매개효과가 생활스트레스와 대학생활적응의 관계에 미치는 영향을 파악하여 남자간호대학생의 대학생활 적응을 촉진하기 위해 수행되었다. 연구 대상자는 5개 도시의 간호학과 남자 간호대학생 209명으로 편의표집을 하였다. 수집된 데이터는 SPSS/WIN 25.0으로 분석하였다. 생활스트레스는 대학생활적응과 그릿에 유의한 부적 상관관계를 보였으나 그릿은 대학생활적응에 정적 상관관계로 나타났다. 매개효과 검증결과 최종모델은 대학생활적응의 43.5%를 설명하였다. 따라서 남자간호대학생의 대학생활적응을 향상시키기 위해서 생활 스트레스를 낮추고, 그릿과 대학생활 적응수준을 높일 수 있는 프로그램 개발이 요구된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was conducted to promote male nursing students' adaptation to college life by identifying life stress, grit, and degree of adaptation to college life, and the effect of grit mediating effect on the relationship between life stress and college life adjustment. became The subjects of this s...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (22)

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  2. J. S. Lee, N. J. Kim, H. J. Doo, J. Y. An & Y. K. Lee (2005). Adaptation Experience of Male Students in Department of Nursing. Journal of the Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 14(2), 159-169. 

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  4. H. O. Jeon & E. Y. Yeom (2014). The Influence of Gender Role Conflicts, Academic Stress Coping Ability, and Social Support on Adaptations to College Life among Male Nursing Students. Journal of the Korea Contents Society, 14(12), 796-807. DOI : 10.5392/JKCA.2014.14.12.796 

  5. M. Kim, S. H. Cho & K. S. Jeon (2014). Barriers and Strategies to Adaptation among Korean Male Nursing Students: A Systematic Review. Journal of the Korean Society of Stress Medicine, 22(3), 172-173. DOI : 10.5977/jkasne.2014.20. 2.223 

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  7. W. J. Kim & J. K. Kim. (2019). "Relationship between Gender stereotype, Major satisfaction and Self-leadership in male Nursing Students". Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 20(10),133-139. DOI : 10.5762/KAIS.2019.20.10.133 

  8. J. H. Lou, R. H. Li, H. Y. Yu & S. H. Chen. (2011). Relationships among self-esteem, job adjustment and service attitude amongst male nurses: A structural equation model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(5-6), 864-872. DOI : 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2010.03387 

  9. S. H. Chen, C. M. Fu, R. H. Li, J. H. Lou & H. Y. Yu .(2012). Relationships among social support, professional empowerment, and nursing career development of male nurses: A cross-sectional analysis. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 34(7), 862-882. DOI : 10.1177/019394591038460 

  10. M. R. Jung & E. Jeong. (2018). Effects Of Academic Stress, Academic Self-Efficacy and Major Satisfaction in Nursing Student on Grit. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 18(6), 414-423. DOI : 10.5392/JKCA.2018.06.414 

  11. S. H. Cho & K. S. Yun. (2020). Effects of Grit and Critical Thinking Disposition on Nursing Students'Clinical Competence. The Korean Society of Health Service Management, 14(2), 117-129 DOI : 10.12811/kshsm.2020.14.2.117 

  12. S. J. Lee. (2018). The Effects of Grit and Stress on Nursing Student's Adjustment to College Life. The Society of Distal Policy & Management, 16(2), 269-276. 

  13. K. K. Chon, K. H. Kim & J. S. Lee (2000). Development of the Revised Life Stress Scale for College Students. The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, 5(2), 316-355. http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeIdNODE06368472 

  14. S. Lee & Y. W. Sohn. (2000). What are the strong predictors of academic achievement? -deliberate practice and grit. The Korean Journal of School Psychology, 10(3), 349-366. DOI : 10.16983/kjsp.2013.10.3.349 

  15. E. E. Jeong & Y. H. Park(2009). Development and Validation of the College Adjustment Scale. The orean Journal of Educational Method Research, 21(2), 69-9 DOI:10.17927/tkjems.2009.21.2.69 

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  17. Y.A Song & Y. O. Ha. (2018). Factors Influencing on Life Stress among Nursing Students. Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 24(2), 139-145. 

  18. E. J. Bong & Y. K. Kim (2017). Relationship between life stress, depression and smartphone addiction in nursing students: mediating effects of experiential avoidance. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society. 18(7), 121-129. DOI : 10.5762/KAIS. 2017.18.7.121 

  19. J. H. Kim. (2016). Relationship between life stress perceived by college students and adjustment to college life: mediating effects of self-control and health promoting lifestyle. Journal of the Korea Academy of Psychological Type. 17(1), 81-10. 

  20. E. S. Kim & S. Kang. (2020). Influence of Life Stress, Body Image, and Happiness on Health Promoting Behaviors among Nursing Students. Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association, 14(4), 421-430. DOI : 10.21184/jkeia.2020. 

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  22. I. S. Jo(2018). A mediation effect of Hope on relationship between Male and Female College Students' Life Stress and Adaptation to College Life. Unpublished masters thesis, Dongshin University, Naju. 

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