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정적 플랭크 운동의 동작 별 효과성 차이 검증 -근전도 분석을 중심으로-
Verification of the Difference in Effectiveness of Static Plank Exercise by Motion -Focusing on EMG Analysis- 원문보기

Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology = 한국응용과학기술학회지, v.39 no.2, 2022년, pp.335 - 339  

김유신 (중원대학교 스포츠지도학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

본 연구의 목적은 정적 플랭크 운동의 동작 차이에 따른 코어근육의 근활성도를 비교하는 것이었다. 본 연구의 대상자는 "J"대학교 20대 남성 10명을 대상으로 진행하였고(연령, 23.20±0.65 세; 신장, 174.54±1.51 cm; 체중, 70.00±2.24 kg; 신체질량지수, 22.94±0.51 kg/m2), 4가지의 풀, 엘보우, 사이드 및 리버스 정적 플랭크 동작을 수행하였으며, 근전도 분석을 위한 표면전극 부착 부위는 신체 근육의 우측복직근, 외복사근, 광배근 및 척추기립근으로 설정하였다. 본 실험 결과, 광배근과 척추기립근의 근활성도는 리버스 플랭크 동작 시 가장 높게 나타났고(p<.001), 복직근과 외복사근의 근활성도는 엘보우 플랭크 동작 시 가장 높게 나타났다(p<.001). 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 추후 정적 플랭크 동작 시 효과적인 운동 프로그램의 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this research was to investigate the comparison of core muscle activities according to different performance in static Plank exercise. Ten "J" University's males(age, 23.20±0.65 years; height, 174.54±1.51 cm; body mass, 70.00±2.24 kg; and BMI, 22.94±0.51 kg...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Y. S. Kim, "Comparative Analysis of the Body Muscle Activity According to the Prop and Different Foot Stability during Pilates Bridge Motion", Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology, Vol.38, No.3 pp. 720-726, (2021). 

  2. A. Keller, J. I. Brox, R. Gunderson, I. Holm, A. Friis, O. Reikeras, "Trunk muscle strength, cross-sectional area, and density in patients with chronic low back pain randomized to lumbar fusion or cognitive intervention and exercises", Spine, Vol.29, No.1 pp. 3-8, (2004). 

  3. F. P. Carpes, F. B. Reinehr, C. B. Mota, "Effects of a program for trunk strength and stability on pain, low back and pelvis kinematics, and body balance: a pilot study", Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, Vol.12, No.1 pp. 22-30, (2008). 

  4. R. L. Snarr, M. R. Esco, "Electromyographical comparison of plank variations performed with and without instability devices", Journal of strength and conditioning research, Vol.28, No.11 pp. 3298-3305, (2014). 

  5. Y. S. Kim, "The Comparative Analysis of Body Muscle Activities in Plank Exercise with and without Thera-band", Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology, Vol.36, No.3 pp. 758-765, (2019). 

  6. W. J. Han, K. H. Son, "The Effect of Unstable Support Surface Plank Exercise on Flexibility, Abdominal Muscle Thickness and Pain in Chronic Low Back Pain", The journal of Korean academy of physical therapy science, Vol.26, No.3 pp. 23-36, (2019). 

  7. H. S. Kim, G. C. Lee, "Effect of Support Surface Form on Abdominal Muscle Thickness During Flank Exercise", Journal of Korean Society of Integrative Medicine, Vol.7, No.3 pp. 197-204, (2019). 

  8. G. C. Lee, W. S. Bae, H. S. Kim, R. K. Kang, H. J. Jang, "Effect of Modified Flank Exercise on Abdominal Muscle Thickness Using Sling Suspension System", Journal of Korean Society of Integrative Medicine, Vol.6, No.4 pp. 39-45, (2018). 

  9. S. H. Kim, S. Y. Park, "Effect of Head and Leg Positions on Trunk and Upper Trapezius Muscle Activities during Plank Exercise", PNF and Movement, Vol.17, No.3 pp. 401-409, (2019). 

  10. M. Barbero, R. Merletti, A. Rainoldi. Atlas of muscle innervation zones: understanding surface electromyography and its applications. Springer Science & Business Media, (2012). 

  11. Y. S. Kim, "The Effects of Sling and Vibrator Application of Knee Push-Up Plus Motion on Trunk Muscle Activities in Healthy Subjects", Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology, Vol.37, No.1 pp. 1-6, (2020). 

  12. Y. S. Kim, D. H. Kim, "Effect of Balance Board and Whole-body Vibration Stimulator Application on Body Muscle Activities during Static Squat Motion", Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology, Vol.37, No.4 pp. 755-761, (2020). 

  13. Y. S. Kim, N. J. Lee, "Effects of applied swan pilates motions on upper body muscle activities", Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, Vol.26, pp. 290-293, (2021). 

  14. Y. S. Kim, N. J. Lee, "Comparative analysis of core muscle activation according to the use of props and the different knee angle during the modified Pilates Hundred", Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, Vol.27, pp. 529-534, (2021). 

  15. Y. S. Kim, D. H. Kim, M. S. Ha, "Effect of the push-up exercise at different palmar width on muscle activities", Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.28, No.2 pp. 446-449, (2016). 

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