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한국 코로나19 유행기에 대한 제안
Suggestions for Setting on Period of Epidemic Waves in COVID-19 Epidemic of South Korea 원문보기

農村醫學·地域保健 = Journal of agricultural medicine & community health, v.47 no.2, 2022년, pp.61 - 66  

이무식 (건양대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives: In the epidemiology of communicable diseases, the term epidemic period, also referred to as "wave" is often used in the general and academic milieu. A wave refers to a natural pattern of increase in the number of sick individuals, a defined peak, and then a decline in the number of cases...


참고문헌 (16)

  1. BBC News. South Korea says it has a second wave of coronavirus infections - but what does that really mean? Available from: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-24/coronavirus-covid-19-countries-second-wave-explainer-south-korea/12385882. Accessed August 27, 2021 

  2. Zhang SX, Marioli FA, Gao R, Wang S. A second wave? what do people mean by COVID waves? - A working definition of epidemic waves. Risk Manag Healthc Policy 2021; 14: 3775-3782 

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  5. Morens DM, Taubenberger JK. Understanding Influenza Backward. JAMA 2009: 302(6): 679-680 

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  10. Alves-Cabratosa L, Comas-Cufi M, Blanch J, Marti-Lluch R, Ponjoan A, Castro-Guardiola A, Hurtado-Ganoza A, Perez-Jaen A, Rexach-Fumana M, Faixedas-Brunsoms D, Gispert-Ametller MA, Guell-Cargol A, Rodriguez-Batista M, Santaularia-Font F, Orriols R, Bonnin-Vilaplana M, Calderon Lopez JC, Sabater-Talaverano G, Queralt Moles FX, Rodriguez-Requejo S, Avellana-Revuelta E, Ballo E, FagesMasmiquel E, Sirvent J, Lorencio C, Morales-Pedrosa JM, Ortiz-Ballujera P, Ramos R. Individuals With SARS-CoV-2 Infection During the First and Second Waves in Catalonia, Spain: Retrospective Observational Study Using Daily Updated Data. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2022; 8(1): e30006 

  11. Fu H, Wanga H, Xib X, Boonyasiric A, Wanga Y. Database of epidemic trends and control measures during the first wave of COVID-19 in mainland China. Int J Infect Dis 2021; 102: 463-447 

  12. Ryu S, Ali ST, Noh E, Kim D, Lau EHY, Cowling BJ. Transmission dynamics and control of two epidemic waves of SARS-CoV-2 in South Korea. BMC Infect Dis 2021; 21:485 

  13. Saito S, Hayakawa K, Terada M, Ohtsu H, Tsuzuki S, Ohmagari N. First and second COVID-19 waves in Japan: A comparison of disease severity and characteristics. Letters to the Editor, J Infect 2021; 82: 116-119 

  14. Yoo MS, Kim YJ, Baek SJ, Kwon DH. The Concept of Reproduction Number and Changes According to Government Response Policies. Public Health Weekly Report 2021; 14(6): 282-289 (Korean) 

  15. Kim YH, Kim YY, Yeom HS, Jang JH, Hwang IS, Park KS, Park YJ, Lee SW, Kwon DH. COVID-19 1-Year Outbreak Report as of January 19, 2021 in the Republic of Korea. Public Health Weekly Report 2021; 14(9): 472-481 (Korean) 

  16. Seong H, Hyun HJ, Yun JG, Noh JY, Cheong HJ, Kim WJ, Song JY. Comparison of the second and third waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea: Importance of early public health intervention. Int J Infect Dis 2021; 104: 742-745 

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