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테이핑 기법이 중장년층의 손목 파악력에 미치는 영향
Effect of Taping Technique on Wrist Grip in Middle-aged People 원문보기

대한안전경영과학회지 = Journal of the Korea safety management & science, v.24 no.3, 2022년, pp.55 - 60  

유헌종 (동방대학교대학원 자연치유학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The effect of motion taping on the grasping power of the wrist is investigated and here Based on the data obtained from the This study was conducted to provide a theoretical background for the study. Motion taping was performed on the wrist for middle-aged people between 50s and 60s, and the change ...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (21)

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  2. Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), 2019 Korea Health Statistics 2019: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [KNHANES VIII-1]. 

  3. J. W. Jeong(1992), Physical examination of the spine and extremities. Daehagseolim. 

  4. J. R. Napier(1956), "The prehensile movements of the human hand." The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 38(4):902-13. 

  5. Y. H. Kim et al. (1984), "Assessment of Hand Function in Normal Korean Adults by Jebsen Hand Function Test." Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, 8(2):109-14. 

  6. H. C. Kwon et al. (1992), "A Study of the utility of the 10% rule in assessment of grasp strength." SCIENCE, 10(1):5-9. 

  7. V. Mathiowetz, C. Rennells, L. Donahoe(1985), "Effect of elbow position grip and key pinch strength." J Hand Srug (Am), 10(5):694-7. 

  8. Sports Medicine Council of British Columbia Staff(1996), Manual of athletic taping. Philadelphia, Davis Company, pp. 23-4. 

  9. E. Kaya, M. Zinnuroglu, I. Tugcu(2011), "Kinesio taping compared to physical therapy modalities for the Treatment of shoulder." Clinical Rheumatology, 30(2):201-207. 

  10. D. Y. Koh(2000), Kinesio Taping. Seoul. 

  11. H. J. You(2018), Motion Typing. Seoul, Daekyung. 

  12. Y. H. Cho, J. H. Choi(2015), "The effects of motion typing on young males lumbar stabilization exercise." Journal of the Korea Society of Physicane, 10(3):285-290. 

  13. K. Aeo(2018), Sports balance taping. Doctor Nuga. 

  14. S. W. Lee(1999), "Effects of whole body balance taping on lung capacity, muscular power, agility and persistence." Master's thesis, Kookmin University, p. 39. 

  15. J. Y. Choi(2007), "The Effects of Taping of Strength & Postural Stability on Ankle & Shoulder." Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation, Myongji University. 

  16. S. H. Kwon(2004), "The effect of a taping treatment on the alleviation of pain and static posture body sway in adult patients." Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation, Daegu University. 

  17. S. M. Lee(2006), "The effect of ankle taping on postural control function in college athletes." Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation, Kyunghee University. 

  18. D. I. Jeong et al. (2005), "The Change of Postural Balance Index by Spiral Balance Taping Application at Ankle." Korea Sports Research, 16(6):431-43. 

  19. K. S. Kim, J. K. Park, D. S. Kim(2010), "Status and Characteristics of Occurrence of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders." Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, KOSHA, 29(4): 405-422. 

  20. E. Nalebuff(1984), "The rheumatoid thumb." Clinics in Rheumatic Diseases, 10(3):589-607. 

  21. A. Ayres(1985), Sensory integration and the child, Western Psychological Services. CPSC. 

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