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우리나라 지하수 이용권의 특성과 지하수 관리 방향 제언
Characteristics of Korea's Groundwater use Rights and Suggestions for Groundwater Management Direction 원문보기

지하수토양환경 = Journal of soil and groundwater environment, v.28 no.6, 2023년, pp.1 - 8  

정아영 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부) ,  현윤정 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부) ,  차은지 (한국환경연구원 물국토연구본부) ,  김종원 (영남대학교 글로벌인재대학)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order to efficiently manage groundwater resources, it is necessary to establish clear definition about the rights to use groundwater because it directly governs the interests of various stakeholders, from users to policy makers. In this paper, we examined the characteristics of Korea's rights to ...


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  • 이 논문에서는 지하수 이용권과 관련된 판례와 지하수 이용자 인식조사에서 현재 지하수 이용자가 체감하는 이용 범위를 파악하고, 국내외 법·제도에서 지하수 이용권의 개념과 다양한 형태에 대해 이해하고자 하였다
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (19)

  1. AQUAOSO, Water Rights by State, https://aquoso.com/waterrights [accessed 23.11.20] 

  2. Constitution of the Republic of Korea, Article 120 Paragraph 1. 

  3. Drinking Water Management Act, Article 1, 9. 

  4. Framework Act on Water Management, Article 8. 

  5. Groundwater Act, Article 2, 7. 

  6. Griffin, R. C.: Kim, J. W and Kim C. H., 2019, Water Economics, Piona. 

  7. Han, S.W., 2021, Measures to improve the groundwater management system considering the publicity of the groundwater,?Environmental Law and Policy, 27, 275-307. 

  8. Hot Spring Act, Article 1, 12, 16. 

  9. Hyun, Y. J. et al., 2022, Establishing Institutional Basis for Efficient Use and Allocation of Groundwater, Korea Environment?Institute. 

  10. Income Tax Act, Article 21, Paragraph 1. 

  11. Kim, S. S., 2018, Legal Qualification of the Right to Use Water?as a Subjective Right or a Property Right Under the Expropriation Act, Kyung Hee Law Journal, 53(4), The Institute of Legal?Studies, Kyunghee University, 41-66. 

  12. Lee, J.Y. and Kim, H.J., 2021, Review and suggestions for sustainable development and conservation of groundwater under?changing climate, J. Geol. Soc. Korea, 57(6), 855-864. 

  13. Ministry of Environment, 2020, First National Water Management Framework Plan (2021-2030). 

  14. OECDa, 2015, Water Resources Allocation: Sharing Risks and?Opportunities, OECD Studies on Water, OECD Publishing. 

  15. OECDb, 2015, Water Resources Allocation: Sharing Risks and?Opportunities - Country Profile : Australia, OECD Studies on?Water, OECD Publishing. 

  16. OECDc, 2015, Water Resources Allocation: Sharing Risks and?Opportunities - Country Profile : United Kingdom, OECD?Studies on Water, OECD Publishing. 

  17. Supreme Court 1999.11.26. Sentencing 99 다 21776 Judgement. 

  18. Supreme Court 2005.07.29. Sentencing 2003두2311 Judgement. 

  19. UNESCO, 2022, Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible,?The United Nations World Water Development Report 2022. 

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