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Ag/에폭시간 계면 접착력 향상을 위한 전해 실란 처리
Electrolytic silane deposition to improve the interfacial adhesion Ag and epoxy substrate 원문보기

한국표면공학회지 = Journal of the Korean institute of surface engineering, v.56 no.1, 2023년, pp.77 - 83  

공원효 (한국재료연구원) ,  박광렬 (해성DS 주식회사) ,  류호준 (해성DS 주식회사) ,  배인섭 (해성DS 주식회사) ,  강성일 (해성DS 주식회사) ,  최승회 (한국재료연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The reliability of leadframe-based semiconductor package depends on the adhesion between metal and epoxy molding compound (EMC). In this study, the Ag surface was electrochemically treated in a solution containing silanes in order to improve the adhesion between Ag and epoxy substrate. After electro...


표/그림 (9)

참고문헌 (18)

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  3. Y. H. Kwon, D. Park, J. Y. Lee, Y. B. Park,?S. Choe, K. H. Lee, Electrolytic chromate?films prepared via pulse electrodeposition?as a Cu-Epoxy adhesion promoter, J.?Electrochem. Soc., 167 (2020) 022512. 

  4. S. H. Zaferani, M. Peikari, D. Zaarei, I.?Danaee, J. M. Fakhraei, M. Mohammadi,?Using silane films to produce an alternative for chromate conversion coatings,?Corrosion, 69 (2013) 372-387. 

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