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[국내논문] 산업재해로 인한 외국인근로자의 제조업 사망사고 실태분석 및 대응방안에 관한 연구
A Study on the Analysis and Countermeasures of Industrial Accident Deaths of Foreign Workers in the Manufacturing Industry 원문보기

대한안전경영과학회지 = Journal of the Korea safety management & science, v.25 no.2, 2023년, pp.39 - 48  

김정덕 (산업안전보건연구원 산업안전연구실) ,  유영수 (한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전실) ,  고범석 (산업안전보건인증원 가설재인증부) ,  양원백 (숭실사이버대학교 산업안전공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recently, the crisis of demographic extinction is rising in Korea more than any other country, and it is difficult for industrial sites to maintain without 'foreign workers'. Industrial accidents and accident deaths of foreign workers account for 7.6% and 12.3% of the total, through an in-depth anal...


표/그림 (21)

참고문헌 (20)

  1. D. R. Kawshalya, A. M. Weerasinghe, S. H. Kim,?H. D. Lim,(2022), "Health and safety management?issues of migrant workers in manufacturing?industries and workplace enhancement." Journal of?the Korean Society of Industrial Convergence,?25(2):257-262. 

  2. M. J. Chung, S. Y. Kim(2020), "Exploration of the?possibility of inclusion in social cooperation policy?subjects due to changes in employment policy of?foreign workers: Focusing to employment policy of?short-term circulation principle of foreign workers."?Journal of the Korean Society of Governance,?27(1):57-92. 

  3. J. J. Jung(2013), A study on how to solve the safety?and health information problem of foreign workers.?Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute. 

  4. K. H. Lee(2010), A study on safety and health status?of foreign workers and protection plans.?Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute. 

  5. K. S. Yoo(2002), Employment status and policy tasks?for foreign workers. Korea Labor Institute. 

  6. H. A. Lee(2021), The function of the employment?permit system policy change caused by the?pandemic-Focusing on presenting the direction of?the employment permit system policy change.?Sungkyunkwan University Graduate School of?Government Administration. 

  7. Korea Employers Federation(2022), "Survey on?foreign worker employment in major small and?medium-sized manufacturing industries." KEF?Report 04. 

  8. E. S. Shin(2023, February 10), 90.6% of small and?medium-sized manufacturing industries "Lack of?foreign workers. Dong-A Economic Daily News. 

  9. J. H. Kim(2022, October 27), Introduce 110,000?foreign workers next year to resolve the manpower?shortage...'the largest ever'. Money Today News. 

  10. G. S. Kim(2023, March 3), Migrant workers will?still live in containers in 2023. Participation and?Innovation News. 

  11. Y. G. Kim(2023, March 6), In the age of population?cliff, I hope immigration policy will be completed by?strengthening cultural acceptance. Gyeongin Ilbo News. 

  12. Ministry of Employment and Labor(2022, December?21), Entry of 84,000 foreign workers (E-9) planned?for this year. Ministry of Employment and Labor?Press Release. 

  13. Ministry of Employment and Labor(2022, June 14),?About 26,000 foreign workers (E-9) are coming?in by August! Ministry of Employment and Labor?Press Release. 

  14. Ministry of Employment and Labor(2022,?December 29), Skilled foreign workers can stay?in Korea for up to 10 years. Korea Policy Briefing. 

  15. Ministry of Employment and Labor(2022,?November 30), Road-map for reducing serious?accidents to become an industrial safety advanced?country. 

  16. Human Resources Development Service of Korea?Website(n.d.), Employment permit system for?foreigners. 

  17. Human Resources Development Service of?Korea(n.d.), Guide leaflet for the employment?permit system for foreigners. 

  18. Ministry of Employment and Labor(2020), Foreign?worker employment management guide. 

  19. Ministry of Justice Website(n.d.), Immigration?statistics. 

  20. Statistics Korea Website(n.d.), National statistics?portal. 

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