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[해외논문] Lithium-Air Batteries: Air-Breathing Challenges and Perspective

ACS nano, v.14 no.11, 2020년, pp.14549 - 14578  

Kang, Jin-Hyuk (Department of Chemistry , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) , 291 Daehak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Jiyoung (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , KAIST , 291 Daehak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Jung, Ji-Won (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , KAIST , 291 Daehak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Park, Jiwon (Department of Chemistry , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) , 291 Daehak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Jang, Taegyu (Department of Chemistry , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) , 291 Daehak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Hyun-Soo (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering , Sookmyung Women’s University , 100 Cheongpa-ro 47-gil , Yon) ,  Nam, Jong-Seok ,  Lim, Haeseong ,  Yoon, Ki Ro ,  Ryu, Won-Hee ,  Kim, Il-Doo ,  Byon, Hye Ryung

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) batteries have been intensively investigated in recent decades for their utilization in electric vehicles. The intrinsic challenges arising from O2 (electro)chemistry have been mitigated by developing various types of catalysts, porous electrode materials, and stable electroly...


참고문헌 (215)

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  3. McCloskey, Bryan D., Scheffler, Rouven, Speidel, Angela, Girishkumar, Girish, Luntz, Alan C.. On the Mechanism of Nonaqueous Li–O2 Electrochemistry on C and Its Kinetic Overpotentials: Some Implications for Li–Air Batteries. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, vol.116, no.45, 23897-23905.

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  10. Hummelshøj, J. S., Blomqvist, J., Datta, S., Vegge, T., Rossmeisl, J., Thygesen, K. S., Luntz, A. C., Jacobsen, K. W., Nørskov, J. K.. Communications: Elementary oxygen electrode reactions in the aprotic Li-air battery. The Journal of chemical physics, vol.132, no.7, 071101-.

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  14. Mahne, Nika, Renfrew, Sara E., McCloskey, Bryan D., Freunberger, Stefan A.. Electrochemical Oxidation of Lithium Carbonate Generates Singlet Oxygen. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.57, no.19, 5529-5533.

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  44. Meini, Stefano, Piana, Michele, Tsiouvaras, Nikolaos, Garsuch, Arnd, Gasteiger, Hubert A.. The Effect of Water on the Discharge Capacity of a Non-Catalyzed Carbon Cathode for Li-O2 Batteries. Electrochemical and solid-state letters, vol.15, no.4, A45-.

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  46. Wong, Raymond A., Dutta, Arghya, Yang, Chunzhen, Yamanaka, Keisuke, Ohta, Toshiaki, Nakao, Aiko, Waki, Keiko, Byon, Hye Ryung. Structurally Tuning Li2O2 by Controlling the Surface Properties of Carbon Electrodes: Implications for Li–O2 Batteries. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.28, no.21, 8006-8015.

  47. Khetan, Abhishek, Arjmandi, Hamid R., Pande, Vikram, Pitsch, Heinz, Viswanathan, Venkatasubramanian. Understanding Ion Pairing in High-Salt Concentration Electrolytes Using Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Its Implications for Nonaqueous Li-O2 Batteries. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, vol.122, no.15, 8094-8101.

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  57. McCloskey, B. D., Speidel, A., Scheffler, R., Miller, D. C., Viswanathan, V., Hummelshøj, J. S., Nørskov, J. K., Luntz, A. C.. Twin Problems of Interfacial Carbonate Formation in Nonaqueous Li–O2 Batteries. The journal of physical chemistry letters, vol.3, no.8, 997-1001.

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  170. Kwak, Won-Jin, Park, Jiwon, Nguyen, Trung Thien, Kim, Hun, Byon, Hye Ryung, Jang, Minchul, Sun, Yang-Kook. A dendrite- and oxygen-proof protective layer for lithium metal in lithium-oxygen batteries. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.7, no.8, 3857-3862.

  171. Lee, D.J., Lee, H., Song, J., Ryou, M.H., Lee, Y.M., Kim, H.T., Park, J.K.. Composite protective layer for Li metal anode in high-performance lithium-oxygen batteries. Electrochemistry communications, vol.40, 45-48.

  172. Kim, Byung Gon, Kim, Joo‐Seong, Min, Jaeyun, Lee, Yong‐Hee, Choi, Jeong Hoon, Jang, Min Chul, Freunberger, Stefan A., Choi, Jang Wook. A Moisture‐ and Oxygen‐Impermeable Separator for Aprotic Li‐O2 Batteries. Advanced functional materials, vol.26, no.11, 1747-1756.

  173. Luo, Kun, Zhu, Guangbin, Zhao, Yuzhen, Luo, Zhihong, Liu, Xiaoteng, Zhang, Kui, Li, Yali, Scott, Keith. Enhanced cycling stability of Li-O2 batteries by using a polyurethane/SiO2/glass fiber nanocomposite separator. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.6, no.17, 7770-7776.

  174. Amici, Julia, Alidoost, Mojtaba, Caldera, Fabrizio, Versaci, Daniele, Zubair, Usman, Trotta, Francesco, Francia, Carlotta, Bodoardo, Silvia. PEEK‐WC/Nanosponge Membranes for Lithium‐Anode Protection in Rechargeable Li−O2 Batteries. ChemElectroChem, vol.5, no.12, 1599-1605.

  175. Qiao, Yu, He, Yibo, Wu, Shichao, Jiang, Kezhu, Li, Xiang, Guo, Shaohua, He, Ping, Zhou, Haoshen. MOF-Based Separator in an Li–O2 Battery: An Effective Strategy to Restrain the Shuttling of Dual Redox Mediators. ACS energy letters, vol.3, no.2, 463-468.

  176. Wu, Shichao, Qiao, Yu, Deng, Han, Zhou, Haoshen. A single ion conducting separator and dual mediator-based electrolyte for high-performance lithium-oxygen batteries with non-carbon cathodes. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, vol.6, no.21, 9816-9822.

  177. Liu, Yijie, Li, Bojie, Kitaura, Hirokazu, Zhang, Xueping, Han, Min, He, Ping, Zhou, Haoshen. Fabrication and Performance of All-Solid-State Li–Air Battery with SWCNTs/LAGP Cathode. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.7, no.31, 17307-17310.

  178. Li, Yutao, Chen, Xi, Dolocan, Andrei, Cui, Zhiming, Xin, Sen, Xue, Leigang, Xu, Henghui, Park, Kyusung, Goodenough, John B.. Garnet Electrolyte with an Ultralow Interfacial Resistance for Li-Metal Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.140, no.20, 6448-6455.

  179. Thangadurai, Venkataraman, Narayanan, Sumaletha, Pinzaru, Dana. Garnet-type solid-state fast Li ion conductors for Li batteries: critical review. Chemical Society reviews, vol.43, no.13, 4714-4727.

  180. Wang, Jin, Yin, Yanbin, Liu, Tong, Yang, Xiaoyang, Chang, Zhiwen, Zhang, Xinbo. Hybrid electrolyte with robust garnet-ceramic electrolyte for lithium anode protection in lithium-oxygen batteries. Nano research, vol.11, no.6, 3434-3441.

  181. Lancel, Gilles, Stevens, Philippe, Toussaint, Gwenaëlle, Maréchal, Manuel, Krins, Natacha, Bregiroux, Damien, Laberty-Robert, Christel. Hybrid Li Ion Conducting Membrane as Protection for the Li Anode in an Aqueous Li–Air Battery: Coupling Sol–Gel Chemistry and Electrospinning. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, vol.33, no.37, 9288-9297.

  182. He, Linchun, Sun, Qiaomei, Chen, Chao, Oh, Jin An Sam, Sun, Jianguo, Li, Minchan, Tu, Wenqiang, Zhou, Henghui, Zeng, Kaiyang, Lu, Li. Failure Mechanism and Interface Engineering for NASICON-Structured All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.11, no.23, 20895-20904.

  183. Sudo, R., Nakata, Y., Ishiguro, K., Matsui, M., Hirano, A., Takeda, Y., Yamamoto, O., Imanishi, N.. Interface behavior between garnet-type lithium-conducting solid electrolyte and lithium metal. Solid state ionics, vol.262, 151-154.

  184. Porz, Lukas, Swamy, Tushar, Sheldon, Brian W., Rettenwander, Daniel, Frömling, Till, Thaman, Henry L., Berendts, Stefan, Uecker, Reinhard, Carter, W. Craig, Chiang, Yet‐Ming. Mechanism of Lithium Metal Penetration through Inorganic Solid Electrolytes. Advanced energy materials, vol.7, no.20, 1701003-.

  185. Shen, Fengyu, Dixit, Marm B., Xiao, Xianghui, Hatzell, Kelsey B.. Effect of Pore Connectivity on Li Dendrite Propagation within LLZO Electrolytes Observed with Synchrotron X-ray Tomography. ACS energy letters, vol.3, 1056-1061.

  186. Balaish, Moran, Jung, Ji‐Won, Kim, Il‐Doo, Ein‐Eli, Yair. A Critical Review on Functionalization of Air‐Cathodes for Nonaqueous Li–O2 Batteries. Advanced functional materials, vol.30, no.18, 1808303-.

  187. Liu, Lili, Guo, Haipeng, Fu, Lijun, Chou, Shulei, Thiele, Simon, Wu, Yuping, Wang, Jiazhao. Critical Advances in Ambient Air Operation of Nonaqueous Rechargeable Li–Air Batteries. Small, vol.17, no.9, 1903854-.

  188. Kwak, Won-Jin, Rosy,, Sharon, Daniel, Xia, Chun, Kim, Hun, Johnson, Lee R., Bruce, Peter G., Nazar, Linda F., Sun, Yang-Kook, Frimer, Aryeh A., Noked, Malachi, Freunberger, Stefan A., Aurbach, Doron. Lithium-Oxygen Batteries and Related Systems: Potential, Status, and Future. Chemical reviews, vol.120, no.14, 6626-6683.

  189. Sahapatsombut, U., Cheng, H., Scott, K.. Modelling of operation of a lithium-air battery with ambient air and oxygen-selective membrane. Journal of power sources, vol.249, 418-430.

  190. Zhang, Ji-Guang, Wang, Deyu, Xu, Wu, Xiao, Jie, Williford, R.E.. Ambient operation of Li/Air batteries. Journal of power sources, vol.195, no.13, 4332-4337.

  191. Crowther, O., Keeny, D., Moureau, D.M., Meyer, B., Salomon, M., Hendrickson, M.. Electrolyte optimization for the primary lithium metal air battery using an oxygen selective membrane. Journal of power sources, vol.202, 347-351.

  192. Zhang, Jian, Xu, Wu, Li, Xiaohong, Liu, Wei. Air Dehydration Membranes for Nonaqueous Lithium-Air Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society : JES, vol.157, no.8, A940-.

  193. Zou, Xiaohong, Liao, Kaiming, Wang, Di, Lu, Qian, Zhou, Chuan, He, Ping, Ran, Zhou, Wei, Jin, Wanqin, Shao, Zongping. Water-proof, electrolyte-nonvolatile, and flexible Li-Air batteries via O2-Permeable silica-aerogel-reinforced polydimethylsiloxane external membranes. Energy storage materials, vol.27, 297-306.

  194. Zhang, Jian, Xu, Wu, Liu, Wei. Oxygen-selective immobilized liquid membranes for operation of lithium-air batteries in ambient air. Journal of power sources, vol.195, no.21, 7438-7444.

  195. Amici, Julia, Francia, Carlotta, Zeng, Juqin, Bodoardo, Silvia, Penazzi, Nerino. Protective PVDF-HFP-based membranes for air de-hydration at the cathode of the rechargeable Li-air cell. Journal of applied electrochemistry, vol.46, no.5, 617-626.

  196. Amici, J., Alidoost, M., Francia, C., Bodoardo, S., Martinez Crespiera, S., Amantia, D., Biasizzo, M., Caldera, F., Trotta, F.. O2 selective membranes based on a dextrin-nanosponge (NS) in a PVDF-HFP polymer matrix for Li-air cells. Chemical communications : Chem comm, vol.52, no.94, 13683-13686.

  197. Fernicola, A., Croce, F., Scrosati, B., Watanabe, T., Ohno, H.. LiTFSI-BEPyTFSI as an improved ionic liquid electrolyte for rechargeable lithium batteries. Journal of power sources, vol.174, no.1, 342-348.

  198. Shin, J.H., Cairns, E.J.. N-Methyl-(n-butyl)pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide-LiTFSI-poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether mixture as a Li/S cell electrolyte. Journal of power sources, vol.177, no.2, 537-545.

  199. Das, Supti, Højberg, Jonathan, Knudsen, Kristian Bastholm, Younesi, Reza, Johansson, Patrik, Norby, Poul, Vegge, Tejs. Instability of Ionic Liquid-Based Electrolytes in Li–O2 Batteries. The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, vol.119, no.32, 18084-18090.

  200. Giordani, Vincent, Tozier, Dylan, Tan, Hongjin, Burke, Colin M., Gallant, Betar M., Uddin, Jasim, Greer, Julia R., McCloskey, Bryan D., Chase, Gregory V., Addison, Dan. A Molten Salt Lithium–Oxygen Battery. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.138, no.8, 2656-2663.

  201. Baek, Kyungeun, Jeon, Woo Cheol, Woo, Seongho, Kim, Jin Chul, Lee, Jun Gyeong, An, Kwangjin, Kwak, Sang Kyu, Kang, Seok Ju. Synergistic effect of quinary molten salts and ruthenium catalyst for high-power-density lithium-carbon dioxide cell. Nature communications, vol.11, no.1, 456-.

  202. Zhou, Jingwen, Li, Xuelian, Yang, Chao, Li, Yinchuan, Guo, Kunkun, Cheng, Jianli, Yuan, Dingwang, Song, Chenhui, Lu, Jun, Wang, Bin. A Quasi‐Solid‐State Flexible Fiber‐Shaped Li–CO2 Battery with Low Overpotential and High Energy Efficiency. Advanced materials, vol.31, no.3, 1804439-.

  203. Yang, Chao, Guo, Kunkun, Yuan, Dingwang, Cheng, Jianli, Wang, Bin. Unraveling Reaction Mechanisms of Mo2C as Cathode Catalyst in a Li-CO2 Battery. Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol.142, no.15, 6983-6990.

  204. LiThese authors contributed equally to this work., Siwu, Liu, Yuan, Zhou, Junwen, Hong, Shanshan, Dong, Yu, Wang, Jiaming, Gao, Xing, Qi, Pengfei, Han, Yuzhen, Wang, Bo. Monodispersed MnO nanoparticles in graphene-an interconnected N-doped 3D carbon framework as a highly efficient gas cathode in Li-CO2 batteries. Energy & environmental science, vol.12, no.3, 1046-1054.

  205. Lu, Jun, Lei, Yu, Lau, Kah Chun, Luo, Xiangyi, Du, Peng, Wen, Jianguo, Assary, Rajeev S., Das, Ujjal, Miller, Dean J., Elam, Jeffrey W., Albishri, Hassan M., El-Hady, D Abd, Sun, Yang-Kook, Curtiss, Larry A., Amine, Khalil. A nanostructured cathode architecture for low charge overpotential in lithium-oxygen batteries. Nature communications, vol.4, 2383-.

  206. Bae, Youngjoon, Ko, Dong‐Hyun, Lee, Sunyoung, Lim, Hee‐Dae, Kim, Yun‐Jung, Shim, Hyun‐Soo, Park, Hyeokjun, Ko, Youngmin, Park, Sung Kwan, Kwon, Hyuk Jae, Kim, Hyunjin, Kim, Hee‐Tak, Min, Yo‐Sep, Im, Dongmin, Kang, Kisuk. Enhanced Stability of Coated Carbon Electrode for Li‐O2 Batteries and Its Limitations. Advanced energy materials, vol.8, no.16, 1702661-.

  207. Zhang, Tao, Zhou, Haoshen. A reversible long-life lithium–air battery in ambient air. Nature communications, vol.4, 1817-.

  208. Lee, Yong-Gun, Fujiki, Satoshi, Jung, Changhoon, Suzuki, Naoki, Yashiro, Nobuyoshi, Omoda, Ryo, Ko, Dong-Su, Shiratsuchi, Tomoyuki, Sugimoto, Toshinori, Ryu, Saebom, Ku, Jun Hwan, Watanabe, Taku, Park, Youngsin, Aihara, Yuichi, Im, Dongmin, Han, In Taek. High-energy long-cycling all-solid-state lithium metal batteries enabled by silver-carbon composite anodes. Nature energy, vol.5, no.4, 299-308.

  209. Park, Kyusung, Yu, Byeong-Chul, Jung, Ji-Won, Li, Yutao, Zhou, Weidong, Gao, Hongcai, Son, Samick, Goodenough, John B.. Electrochemical Nature of the Cathode Interface for a Solid-State Lithium-Ion Battery: Interface between LiCoO2 and Garnet-Li7La3Zr2O12. Chemistry of materials : a publication of the American Chemical Society, vol.28, no.21, 8051-8059.

  210. Yoo, Dong‐Joo, Yang, Sungyun, Kim, Ki Jae, Choi, Jang Wook. Fluorinated Aromatic Diluent for High‐Performance Lithium Metal Batteries. Angewandte Chemie. international edition, vol.59, no.35, 14869-14876.

  211. Gallagher, Kevin G., Goebel, Steven, Greszler, Thomas, Mathias, Mark, Oelerich, Wolfgang, Eroglu, Damla, Srinivasan, Venkat. Quantifying the promise of lithium–air batteries for electric vehicles. Energy & environmental science, vol.7, no.5, 1555-1563.

  212. Li, Matthew, Bi, Xuanxuan, Wang, Rongyue, Li, Yingbo, Jiang, Gaopeng, Li, Liang, Zhong, Cheng, Chen, Zhongwei, Lu, Jun. Relating Catalysis between Fuel Cell and Metal-Air Batteries. Matter, vol.2, no.1, 32-49.

  213. Adams, Jim, Karulkar, Mohan. Bipolar plate cell design for a lithium air battery. Journal of power sources, vol.199, 247-255.

  214. Lee, Heung Chan, Park, Jung Ock, Kim, Mokwon, Kwon, Hyuk Jae, Kim, Joon-Hee, Choi, Kyoung Hwan, Kim, Kihong, Im, Dongmin. High-Energy-Density Li-O2 Battery at Cell Scale with Folded Cell Structure. Joule, vol.3, no.2, 542-556.

  215. Gittleson, Forrest S., Jones, Reese E., Ward, Donald K., Foster, Michael E.. Oxygen solubility and transport in Li-air battery electrolytes: establishing criteria and strategies for electrolyte design. Energy & environmental science, vol.10, no.5, 1167-1179.


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