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[해외논문] Machine learning prediction of stone-free success in patients with urinary stone after treatment of shock wave lithotripsy 원문보기

BMC urology, v.20 no.1, 2020년, pp.88 -   

Yang, Seung Woo ,  Hyon, Yun Kyong ,  Na, Hyun Seok ,  Jin, Long ,  Lee, Jae Geun ,  Park, Jong Mok ,  Lee, Ji Yong ,  Shin, Ju Hyun ,  Lim, Jae Sung ,  Na, Yong Gil ,  Jeon, Kiwan ,  Ha, Taeyoung ,  Kim, Jinbum ,  Song, Ki Hak

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: The aims of this study were to determine the predictive value of decision support analysis for the shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) success rate and to analyze the data obtained from patients who underwent SWL to assess the factors influencing the outcome by using machine learning methods. ...


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